
During The 19Th Century, Feminism Had A Significant Effect

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During the 19th century, Feminism had a significant effect on the women’s role in society and in everyday life. Women got sick of living the homemaker lifestyle, and were getting bored with their typical daily duties, such as cleaning the home and caring for the family full-time. They were also tired of their voices not being relevant regarding community affairs. In result, the decision was made it was time to make a change. It is a well-known fact that men were granted with rights; which mean that women had little to none. Women, exhausted from being viewed as property, wanted equal rights as men, and the same opportunities that men received. Motivated for the rights they believed in, the beginning of the Feminist Movement, also known as …show more content…

The first wave of feminism in the United States related to other reform movements, such as abolition and temperance, and gave voice to many now-famous activists, including Elizabeth Stanton herself, and Sojourner Truth (Rampton). The first-wave was said to have ended when the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed, granting women the right to vote (Conger). This major victory of the movement also included reforms in education, in the workplace and professions, and in healthcare (Conger). Stanton’s mention, “The demand we to-day make, is not the idiosyncrasy of a few discontented minds, but a universal movement” is a key notion to the future of feminism (Stanton).
The first-wave of feminism was the start to the movement, however, without the second-wave, where feminism would be in current times would be questionable, for each wave is connected and dependent on the other’s history. The second wave of feminism, known as the Women’s Liberation Movement, began in the 1960s and continued into the 90’s (Rampton). The second wave was a strong, political and social movement that helped to improve the lives of women. This wave prolonged in the perspective of the anti-war and civil rights movements and the growing self-consciousness of a variety of minority groups around the world (Rampton). Like the anti-slavery movement of the nineteenth century, the modern civil rights

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