
Durkheim on Solidarity

Decent Essays

Durkheim on solidarity Of all the things I’ve learned about from researching Durkheim’s thoughts and ideas, the most striking one were the ones which surrounded social solidarity. To put it simply, social solidarity is a set of norms, values and morals that hold a certain group of people together. He described it as a “wholly moral phenomenon which by itself is not amenable to exact observation and especially not to measurement” (Durkheim 1997). Durkheim believed that there were two types of solidarity, Mechanical and Organic Mechanical solidarity, despite what one might guess from its name, describes the social integration of members of a society who are connected by their homogeneity of beliefs, values and lifestyle. The defining …show more content…

In contrast, in organic solidarity the weight of responsibility falls on the shoulders on the individual and is viewed as an outlier in society rather than the one who represents it. Although Durkheim generally thought that organic societies were the way forward and that mechanical societies had many problems it would be a mistake to that organic soldieries are without flaws. The increased freedom and the focus on the individual comes at the cost of the community and reduced social ties. Community is no longer the centre piece of society (Durkheim 1997). It is common when individuals in the city to go through periods of change in their lives they become depressed. This depression can become overwhelming as in organic societies there is an increase in the feeling of isolation and a lack of support. “Sadness does not inhere in things; it does not reach us from the world and through mere contemplation of the world. It is a product of our own thought.” (Durkheim 1897). Durkheim believed that by moving from mechanical to organic societies we were losing our sense of community and that sadness was a possible outcome Durkheim’s study of social solidarities is an extensive one. It is very easy to relate to Durkheim’s theories on the structures of societies and see where they come into play. The Strengths and weaknesses of these two conflicting solidarities allow for an untold amount of debate and discussion to be derived. Bibliography Durkheim, E, (1997) The Division of

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