
Dystopian Literature In The Pedestrian, And Ender's Game

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The growth rate of dystopian literature continuously increases throughout the year, but what makes a novel dystopian literature? In The Island directed by Michael Bay, “The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury, and Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, the characteristics of dystopian literature exhibit themselves as propaganda, restricted freedoms, and uniform expectations. Dystopian characteristics tell readers how to define a dystopian city, state, or country. Those three pieces of dystopian literature display one or more of those characteristics. Controls of a dystopian society, such as corporate, technological, bureaucratic, and philosophical, deal with what the city, state, or country goes by; in the works above, their governments use technological, …show more content…

The Island displays corporate control. A cloning company controls society through their products (the clones) and their advertisement of the island to the clones. “Stand still. Stay where you are! Don’t move!” (Bradbury 12); the talking cop car, which controls the society technologically, says this to Mr. Leonard Mead. In “The Pedestrian”, a technological control appears; Mr. Mead’s society displaced cop cars completely except for three of them and now the cars run on their own and control the city’s society. Finally, bureaucratic and technological government controls exist in Ender’s society. Bureaucratic control exhibits itself when the government controls each aspect of citizens’ lives (ex. only two kids), and technological control exhibits itself through the monitors and the desk the children received in battle school. Generally speaking, dystopian controls show how the governments control their citizens and why the society acts a certain …show more content…

These works contain characteristics of a dystopian society resembling Michael Bay’s society from The Island. Characteristics of a dystopian society define what a dystopian society resembles. Dystopian controls tell readers what rules guide citizens in those societies and who runs the society. The controls of a dystopian society occur throughout the works and give off an illusion of a “perfect” society. Lastly, each exquisite dystopian work of literature needs an exquisite dystopian protagonist similar to Ender from Ender’s Game or Mr. Mead from “The Pedestrian”. Most dystopian protagonists question their government, feel trapped inside their society, and want to show others the truth. Altogether, characteristics, controls, and protagonist of a dystopian society add depth to the plot and grab the readers’

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