
EHS Honor Code: An Ideal Of Integrity

Decent Essays

II. To follow the EHS Honor Code, one must act with an ideal of honesty above all else. To follow the honor code is to be truly honest with one’s self, teachers, and classmates. For example, if Sally sees her best friend Jenna cheating on the math final, then Sally has to act with an ideal of honesty. Sally must be honest with her self, and realize that her friend is acting incorrectly. She also has to be honest with her teacher, and report the infraction. Finally, she should be honest with Jenna, and tell her that she saw her breaking the Honor Code, but she is not willing to break that honor for her. Although being honest is difficult at times, it is a respectable and key value within the Episcopal High School ethical system. Furthermore, someone following the Honor Code must …show more content…

This way, the honor code is maintained and the teacher is able to address the issue of cheating. Finally, someone following the honor code should act with an ideal of integrity. If someone is whole and has firm values, they should not feel it necessary toile, cheat or steal. For example, if Ms. Hawkins leaves Paul alone in the classroom with the key to the chapter 9 test for the next day, Paul should act out of integrity and not take pictures of the key. Paul should be confident enough in his own abilities and firm enough in his ethics that he does not want to or need to cheat. Students following the honor code have an obligation to justice. They want justice for themselves and their classmates. For example, if Mitchell saw his best friend steal 8 packs of munchies from the school store and a pack of ice cream, even though it wasn’t lunchtime, Mitchell should feel responsible for bringing justice. He should tell the school store employees so they can reprimand him for

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