
Port Charlotte High School Honor Code Essay

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Rules governing academic integrity among students and schools is a practice deeply entrenched in the American education system and that of those around the world. Likely beginning at the University of Virginia in the United States during 1842 as a way to discourage cheating, dishonesty, and plagiarism, it soon spread throughout the nation. Today, the overwhelming majority of schools in the US, from elementary to collegiate, have their own form of a honor code. Among these schools is Port Charlotte High School, PCHS abbreviated, whose own code of conduct is based heavily on students being educated about the effects that their cheating will have on their academic future and punishing those who are discovered to have cheated in any form. So far, these particular academic regulations have proven successful and because of this, the charge put forward by the school should continue to be maintained. Revising the Code of Conduct into a peer-enforced system creates is statistically inefficient, hostilities between students, and eliminating the honor code would easily produce a school where cheating reigns free. …show more content…

The current regulations clearly define cheating, plagiarism and the consequences associated with being caught cheating and requires that students only read through the document and sign that you understand the consequences of cheating. Its simplicity contributes to its effectiveness in deterring cheating among students without the added tension of the possibility of stirring conflict between others. Even if an honor code with a focus on student-enforced reporting of cheaters, it’s unlikely that any students would actively choose to betray their

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