EQWIP HUBS, a new project initiated by a strategic alliance between Canada World Youth (CWY) and Youth Challenge International (YCI), financed by the Ministry of Global Affairs Canada, delivered a “Training of Trainers” workshop to their team this month. EQWIP HUBS Bolivia, along with locals partners Infocal and Ser Familia, were trained on a methodology entitled “Work Ready Now” which focuses on building the employment and life skills of beneficiary youth in La Paz and El Alto. With this training complete, staff and volunteers are prepared to begin offering workshops and tertiary training to youth in the coming months.
Vision, Mission, and Stakeholders: The vision that Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic talks about not just helping one person in life but geared towards helping out humanity and assisting the less fortune people that
In a column written by Nicholas D. Kristof, he quotes a 19-year-old girl, “I’d love to get a job in a factory, at least that work is in the shade.” (120) This 19-year-old girl is striving for a job that many outsiders are striving to eradicate. In these impoverished countries, families bring in so little money they are forced to ask their children to seek work so their families can survive.
Stakeholders believe that teens who participate in the program will have the knowledge and skills to go on and live a productive life as a responsible adult, family member, citizen, and member of the community.
Let’s face it the world is changing. This change is necessary if we, as a population will succeed, and this change is more evident than ever in the workforce. The working person of the past had skills necessary for a social economy that befitted that generation, but with today's market increasing
Immense government expenditures are used in the assistance of these individuals, but often fail to translate to success and independence following emancipation. The iFoster jobs program aims to fill this gap and connect educated and trained former foster youth with respectable employers in need of qualified individuals. The iFoster organization has laid out a roadmap that illustrates its process of connecting these individuals with employers and has shown success with 250 youths thus far. First, iFoster networks with employers and assesses their needs and what they look for in employees. Then, they set a youth training program tailored to those needs. The individuals are then trained and provided with resources including courses, professional clothes for interviews, transportation, etc. These individuals are then assessed and analyzed for the job that best fits their qualifications and preferences. The individuals receive support through the interviewing and hiring process and receive ongoing support following beginning work. Regular check-ins and communication with the employers ensure that these youths are excelling at work and that their needs are being
This new found partnership will allow us to tap into the talent of those students which have been hidden from us and releasing them to their full potential. Now doing this will help change the workforce of tomorrow and the future of our nation’s education, economics, and economy. Now even though Job Corps is a program that helps young adults it has had much criticism with no solutions offered. Effective solutions need to be offered in order to save this vital program. This program is instrumental and has proven success in guiding the nation’s education of young adults who previously failed other educational
Sweltering heat, long hours, unfair working conditions are a few descriptive words that Americans use to describe a sweatshop. I believe our judgment is being misguided by the success of our nation, and it is imperative we redefine the word “sweatshop”. Individuals that endure life in third world countries know hardships that Americans could not imagine. If we were to recognize these economical differences it may shine a light on why these workers seek sweatshop jobs. In many of these cases, children must work to aid in the family’s survival. If these jobs are voluntary and both parties agree to working conditions, it results in a mutually beneficial arrangement. One of the worst things we can do as outsiders, to help these impoverished
Consequently the corporate plan focuses on twenty three priority objectives. Employment Training’s activities have direct links with ten of these objectives including: regeneration of local communities, promoting increased prosperity, supporting disabled and elderly people to live
Cost – The initial cost of mHealth equipment has acted a barrier in adoption. From the mHealth solution’s development perspective – the development and maintenance costs are also hindering the adoption.
In the United States, there is a continuing debate about how success should be measured. Many parameters can be used to evaluate program effectiveness. Since this program is based on how and if the youth applies the skills that were taught, if the youth enters post-secondary education and whether the youth is gainfully employed these parameters are very concrete. This will be measured by 90 day, 180 day and 365 day follow-up. Follow-up will consist of office visits, home visits, mailings and phone calls.
The theme of the book Animal Farm is that power always corrupts. There are many instances in the story that imply that “Power always corrupts.” is the true moral of the novel. For example, as early on as chapter 3, the very beginning of animal farm, you see that the pigs have a higher standard of treatment than other animals. “So it was agreed without further argument that the milk and windfall apples ( And also the main crop of apples when they ripened.) ,Should be reserved for the pigs alone.”
As I am relatively new to this area of work it is also important to reflect as a youth worker in order for me to be effective and capable within my job. It is necessary for me to reflect on my experiences so far from the year and a half I have spent in college and it’s important for me to continually highlight areas for development while I am on placement. First I must identify the strengths and skills I have acquired and then to plan my development needs. My role requires me develop plans to suit the service users; I feel my current qualifications and experience will develop after my placement. I also feel it is essential to enhance my current knowledge of youth and community work and monitor my progress. I think the important thing to remember is that I am reflecting for my own development.
It is often challenging to have health care services that meet the needs of Canada’s diverse population and the needs of both men and women. Gender influences access to care and women in particular are at risk for face difficulties to care (Ontario Women`s Health Equity Report, 2010 p.1). Women are more likely to be poor and have greater caregiver responsibilities in contrast to men. These both factors are barriers to accessing health services. The way the health care system is organized creates barriers to accessing effective care for women because it has failed to take into account that men and women use the health care system very differently. Canada’s health care system reinforces gender inequity rather than eliminating
When it comes the optimal outcomes for the youth engagement program, the expectations are for participants to have, leadership development, financial literacy, workforce readiness, learn about violence prevention, be drug free, opportunities to build skills, increase knowledge, and foster positive values. Those running the program hope to develop positive, nurturing relationships with youth and challenge them to develop and strive toward
Groups of people that are against the issue of child labor, or child exploitation, cooperate and begin organizations. Founded by a few, to grow into a much more effective project was the way to let the rest of the world aware about the current situation of children being exploited. A well-known organization named International Labor Organization (ILO), has created a project to take action against child labor. The project is named International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (IPEC), which was created in 1992. IPEC has reached milestones to be closer to eliminating child labor, according to ILO-IPEC (2013), “Global number of children in child labour has declined by one third since 2000, from 246 million to 168 million children. More than half of them, 85 million, are in hazardous work (down from 171 million in 2000).” It can be seen that progress and action has been made, a potential to making a difference in the issue. There may be an effect, but awareness alone cannot solve this issue. Using awareness like this need to think their strategies and improve