
Early English Colonies Research Paper

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Early English Settlements in the 1600s were heavily influenced by the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. As a result, England became a major naval power and gained dominion over the North Atlantic Ocean. This, England's own population growth, and poor economy encouraged the English to explore opportunities in the Americas to look for land, resources, and - after the persecution of certain religious groups- religious freedom as well. Jamestown, founded in 1607, by a Joint-stock company known as the Virginia Company, was only the first of thirteen colonies that would develop along the north atlantic coast, and formed what is known today as the United States of America. These 13 colonies were subdivided into 2 colonial regions as a collection …show more content…

However, a characteristic they all shared was that they all had some form of self- government. Each colony had a representative assembly that was elected by eligible voters. Even so, both colonial regions- northern and southern colonies- had their own distinct way of implementing them. The Southern Colonies were Royal colonies who were given charters or grants by the Kings to form their government, and were ruled by House of Burgesses, the first legislative body in America that formed in 1619. In 1649 the Toleration Act, made it so that in some southern colonies, the colony was controlled by the wealthy landowners instead of elected officials by the King. Northern colonies elected their own legislature and had democratic views( Document 4-4). In many northern colonies, particularly in Pennsylvania, one could only be elected of vote is they were white males who owned property, and if they were Christian( Document 4-4). Their system of government all had governors, a court system, and a governors court. The northern colonies had two government systems: Royal Government and Charter Government. The charter colonies were charters granted by the King to colonists but were not directly ruled by the monarchy, and so they were generally self-governed. Royal government’s were implemented within the Royal Colonies in the northern colonies that were ruled directly by the English monarchy in England. A perfect example of legislature within a colony, is in Pennsylvania. The first legislature in the colony was The Laws of Pennsylvania,1682, which details the seventy-one laws of the colony, and illustrates the importance of separation of government and religion( Document

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