
Eating Disorder Analysis

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When I was twelve I would sit at my computer for countless hours of the day admiring pictures of girls who were deathly thin and nearly skeletal. These pictures paved the way to my weight loss goals. Soon, pound after pound began vanishing before my eyes almost like magic- until one day my mom walked in on me purging. Purging is using laxatives, or inducing vomiting to clear your system of food (calories) in the fastest way possible. This is when I was taken to my doctor who advised me to seek an Eating disorder specialist. The specialist did numerous amounts of evaluations and tests on me. After her final examination she diagnosed me with anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Both of which are very common and life threatening eating disorders among …show more content…

While she was in one of the hardest initial stages of recovery I visited her for a weekend to offer her support. Her bedroom was covered entirely with images of thin girls, probably also dealing with anorexia. I confronted her, and asked her why she had them plastered along the walls. I originally didn’t put any deep thought into where she got them, I was desensitized to it because I too looked for pictures of girls to inspire myself. I was more focused on convincing her to remove them from her …show more content…

I sifted through a few of them, and found my least favorite. The edges were surrounded by images of ‘beautiful’ girls, all super confident and thriving. The center of the page was filled with rules and tips to help teenage girls starved themselves. There were numerous excuses they could tell their parents as to why they weren’t eating, there were alternatives to eating, and there were tips to help reduce hunger pains during a fast. A fast is denying yourself all food and drinks, except for water, for a specified amount of time. It wasn’t necessarily the tips that worried me, or the blog’s encouragement of starving yourself. The “ana rules” is what truly concerned me. “If you aren’t thin you aren’t attractive”, “Being thin is more important than being healthy”, and the one that stood out the most “Ana is a lifestyle not a diet” (Pro-Ana lifestyle). This particular blog was stating that anorexia was a choice, and turned it into a competition- failing to mention that the illness is life threatening. It was aimed to destroy the viewer's self perception by body shaming them that way they could attach themselves to “Ana” in hopes of becoming thin. On another website, I found images that make starvation sound beautiful (e.g. see figure 1). It is very clear to me that these websites are trying to romanticize eating

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