
Eating Disorders: The Influence Of Body Image On Students

Decent Essays

As defined by the National Eating Disorders Collaboration, Body image is is the perception that a person has of their physical self and the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception. Body image is considered a drastic part of society and it is important because it improves one’s self-esteem, healthy lifestyle and self-acceptance. A child’s everyday influences have many contributing factors which involve how they perceive themselves. Factors such as, their parents, teachers and peers might be identified as positive or negative since it all differs among the impact at hand.
Consequently, teachers play a major role in the influence of students. Teachers contribute to why students may feel they way they do about themselves and affect …show more content…

Adolescents at a young age might worry about dieting, weight, and their eating habits if they’re worried about being teased by their classmates. Teasing is common among younger children because during this time physical appearance and weight is usually the main focus. Children will often mimic what they have seen on the media and have conversations with their classmates about what they’ve seen. This creates a negative body image on children because of all the bad influences that are usually portrayed on social media and television. Peers often report back to their classmates and mimicing what they saw gives children the ‘ok” that it’s right to reflect back on these negative body issues that is shown publicly for the world to see. Children are so pressured to already fit into a certain ‘type’ they lose concentration of the primary reason they attend school just so their peers can accept them. According to Dr. Jacqueline Harding, an adviser of the Professional Association for Children and Early Years (PACEY) "By the age of three or four some children have already pretty much begun to make up their minds (and even hold strong views) about how bodies should look," she said. "There is also research evidence to …show more content…

Inner thoughts about body image can be perceived in many different ways starting off with children. Body image can either be negative or positive depending on how one chooses to look at themselves. If children choose to compare themselves with other people around them than they will always continue to hold a negative outlook on life both emotionally and physically until they feel that is acceptable for them to accept who they truly are. In order for children to maintain a positive body image they have to connect to their inner feelings and self to be able to trust that they can be just as good as anyone else as long as they start with themselves

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