Ebola is a virus that is transmitted to other individuals through direct contact with blood and body fluids of those infected (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2015). In the most recent outbreak in 2014, the video Ebola Outbreak (2014) illustrated that the virus quickly became a worldwide epidemic. As the virus became so widespread throughout Africa, Ebola-infected so many people in such a short time frame. While the organization, Doctors without Borders was intimately involved early on, they quickly learned that the manpower they had to offer was not nearly enough. The group identified that they had no way of performing contact tracing, which is a way of following patients that were contaminated and quickly led to additional cases of infection in astronomical numbers. According to the follow-up video, Outbreak (2014) the organization Doctors without Borders communicated to the World Health Organization (WHO) made a valiant …show more content…
Since the epidemic started the CDC, WHO and other U.S. government agencies coordinated a uniform response to the affected areas to gain control over this horrific occurrence. During the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the CDC was organizing Ebola treatment centers in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). These designated hospitals were spread throughout the U.S. and began receiving patients, many whom were doctors, aid workers, missionaries and one reporter. These centers received specialized training, as well as dedicated areas for the infected individuals. As the Ebola became more evident throughout the United States, medical staff became more informed of the illness and specialized training was necessary for front-line staff. Even though community hospitals were not likely to have been affected by patients being transferred from Africa, they too were receiving additional Ebola training for this
UNICEF officer, Suzanne Mary Beukes provided a clearer insight to how poor the country of Guinea is when she wrote, "The world has virtually quarantined a country in which 43 percent of people were already living on less than $1.25 a day prior to this health crisis” (Gholipour, 2014). The countries of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone (the countries where outbreaks primarily occurred), are some of the poorest countries in the world as a result of their recent civil war and the damaged health and education infrastructures that followed. (“Factors that Contributed to the Spread of Ebola,” n.d., para. 10). The poor infrastructures led to the delayed transportation of patients and lab work to labs and hospitals in addition to the lack of communication between health facilities. In addition to the lack of health facilities, there was shortage of healthcare workers. “Prior to the outbreaks, the three countries (Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone) had a ratio of only one to two doctors per nearly 100,000 population” (“Factors that Contributed to the Spread of Ebola,” n.d., para. 15). The poverty in these cities and countries lead people to want to move to a better standard of living, be treated for the virus, and look for food &
In 2014 the world watched in horror as West Africa experienced the largest Ebola epidemic in history. Affected countries in Africa included Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone and the epidemic, having begun in December 2013, went on for a full year, with additional cases occurring throughout 2015. Over 19,000 cases were reported by December 2014 and of those, 7,518 lost their lives. Today, we know that in total, over 11,000 people lost their lives ("Previous case counts", 2016). There were many factors at play in this outbreak, such as the emergence of a new strain Ebola virus; a lack of preparedness in West Africa, where Ebola had not been seen prior to 2014; a shortage of health care workers and subsequent death of many more them, leading
In 2014 the United States was hit with a force far more deadly and dangerous than many threats received. The ebola virus took the world by storm after it was carried to the United States and spread by people who had visited West Africa. This virus was all the more deadly as it often took hours for any symptoms to occur. In this time the Center for Disease Control spent much time and many resources looking for answers to the many questions they had. Under the time constraint and scrutinizing public, they had to determine what ebola was, what it did and its effects on the general public.
(National Geographic)” Also, healthcare workers could potentially not want to go to Africa to help if they are going to be quarantined on arrival back in their home country. Frieden says, “health care workers might be unwilling to help out in West Africa, making it more likely the disease will keep landing on American shores. (National Geographic)” Over the short term, some cases of Ebola in the united states could be prevented, CNN states, but for the long term, it could back fire if highly trained personnel have more incentive not to go to west Africa to help with the disease. Dr. John Carlson spent four weeks working with Ebola patients and says that, “healthcare workers already sacrifice their time to those who need it, and that quarantining them might seem like a punishment, discouraging people like him to do it again. (CNN)” Some individuals also claim that Ebola is no worse than other illnesses, such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV, or bacterial infections. They claim that at one point in time these illnesses had once sparked a fire of fear in hearts of people around the world and that today are looked at as not as serious when people are still also affected by these diseases daily and also die from them daily.
On March 23, the WHO’s Regional Office for Africa (AFRO) released the first Ebola report on the emergence of the disease in Guinea. At this time, the WHO sent teams into the field to manage and trace cases. It also notified WHO labs across Africa to prepare to diagnose cases. As the prevalence of Ebola grew, the WHO maintained contact with its regional offices in West Africa. AFRO’s regional director, Dr. Luis Sambo, called for greater epidemiological aid and implementation of the IHR’s alert system requirements. Between March and May of 2014, the WHO sent more than 100 experts to aid in the control of the outbreak. A cross border surveillance program began in June to limit the spread of the disease between the countries. During this time, the WHO continued meeting with government leaders in West Africa, AFRO representatives, and relevant organizations including the CDC and MSF. In June, MSF called for the WHO to increase its response. Margaret Chan, the Director-General of the WHO responded by upgrading the outbreak a Level 3 emergency. A Level 3 grade constitutes a greater WHO role in the outbreak, particularly through an increase in resources
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a virus transmitted from humans or animals through body fluids. It is transmitted by means of contact with infected blood, mucous membranes, semen and other secretions, therefore being skin lesions and sexual contact significant ways of transmission (Boulton, 2014). As a transmittable disease, progression of the virus had been thought to be linked to higher probabilities of transmission, and therefore safety of persons in contact with infected patients was in question (Yamin et al., 2015). A study conducted in Liberia in 2014 proved such hypothesis to be true and concluded that prompt and accurate isolation of infected patients was a safe method
the Ebola outbreak could have been contained, but due to a political transition in the Democratic Republic of Congo, that was explained by the “interruption of international cooperation, inadequate disease surveillance and reporting, and a breakdown of the general health care infrastructure, due in part to a lack of motivation among poorly paid health
At the beginning of the article, the map demonstrates through shading, that the disease stems from Nigeria, Senegal, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. West Africa has a current Ebola outbreak in 2014. Obviously America does not want this disease present in America. The CDC (Center of Disease Control) is helping sort out this situation. The main goal of the CDC, as the text implies, is to help countries all over the world with multiple diseases to prevent the certain disease from spreading. Through the beginning of this program multiple countries have been saved, killing off this disease at its core. Although it is hard for the CDC to stop the disease in this specific situation. According to the article, many Ebola cases could have been prevented through less human involvement with animals. Animals have been spreading Ebola to people through physical encounters with them. Human encounters with animals have spread Ebola through open wounds, or touching slobber. Once interactions with an unsanitary animal occurs, people might start showing Ebola
Every illness begins at a single source that can rapidly spread to susceptible individuals who are completely unaware of what is occurring before them. This infection sparks a chain of events that can quickly transform a small illness into an epidemic. On March 25, 2014 the World Health Organization(WHO) announced the outbreak of a new strain of the Ebola virus disease with 86 suspected cases[15]. From this point onward, constant updates have been documented, and until the end of November 2014 the condition grew in number and prevalence[7]. With additional efforts and protocols instituted by organizations such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the virus began to fall until the present day. Fortunately, a pharmaceutical company
Ebola is a fever-bound viral disease which belongs to the Filoviridae family and is extremely fatal. When it first appeared in 1976, it claimed 90% of its recipients. Ebola originated from Nzara, Sudan and Yambuku of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its name originates from the Ebola River where it was first contracted in Yambuku. Since its initial outbreak and more recent understanding of the disease, medical amends have reduced the mortality rate greatly but it still spans from about 25% to 90% nonetheless. Before its outbreak in the United States in 2014, there were roughly 2300 cases with over 1500 deaths. In 2014, the US had its first outbreak of Ebola with 11 total cases documented where there were 2 deaths. Symptoms include fever,
Every time you turn on the news or pick up a newspaper, there is something being reported about the spread of Ebola. The Ebola outbreaks occurring in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia are growing larger and larger. This is the largest outbreak with more cases and deaths since Ebola was first discovered nearly four decades ago. United States doctors and missionaries have traveled to these countries to help treat infected people. However, there have now been cases where U.S. citizens have contracted the disease and have been brought back to the United States to be treated. This has caused raised concerns about the disease spreading in the U.S. as well. The physical, cultural, economic, political and religious geography of Africa have all played
“It is rare for someone to die in the United States from Ebola because medical and monetary resources are extensive-much more so than in West Africa” (Fantz). The way Ebola even traveled to the US was from Americans who felt that West Africa and other countries needed help fighting Ebola. They took time out of their own lives to go and save others’ lives while also risking their own at the same time. Since West Africa does not have the resources we
In class we got a chance to discuss Ebola in the US and in Africa. As known, the US certainly have less cases and deaths due to Ebola in comparison to countries all over Africa. In terms of the reading in addition to the lecture by Haneefa Saleem, the class learned about what is the Ebola virus and its history, the affect it has on a person and their community in addition to how the world has perceived this virus. Thankfully, the US does not have to go through the effects of living in an Ebola epidemic because of the certain precautions taken when a case arise and the steps taken further for primary and secondary prevention. Unfortunately, this is not the case in Africa. There are always new cases of Ebola arises in different parts of Africa and it still continues to be a threat
The Ebola outbreak that started in Guinea in March 2014 and that spread to Sierra Leone and Liberia later, is not the first Ebola outbreak in human history. In fact, 25 Ebola outbreaks were recorded since the virus was first discovered in 1976. But this year’s outbreak has been the severest one because of its widely geographic spread[ http://time.com/47018/ebola-breaks-out-in-west-africa/] and the lack of health infrastructure in those three countries hardest hit. Although in February, the United States and 28 other countries announced the Global Health Security Agenda, one of whose goals was to prevent and reduce the likelihood of outbreaks, the US response in the early months was not enough given the size of the disaster.[ http://ic.galegroup.com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/ic/ovic/NewsDetailsPage/NewsDetailsWindow?failOverType=&query=&prodId=OVIC&windowstate=normal&contentModules=&display-query=&mode=view&displayGroupName=News&limiter=&u=psucic&currPage=&disableHighlighting=false&displayGroups=&sortBy=&source=&search_within_results=&p=OVIC&action=e&catId=&activityType=&scanId=&documentId=GALE%7CA382718305]
WHO also works along another agency called Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC “has activated its Emergency Operations Center to help coordinate technical assistance and control activities with partners” (“Ebola Outbreak in West Africa,” 2014). Both WHO and CDC are helping each other and various other health partners in their goal to stop this disease from spreading and to save the lives of the people already infected. CDC has even “deployed teams of public health experts to West Africa” to go to all the infected countries (“Ebola Outbreak in West Africa,” 2014). Luckily, the National Institutes of Health has undergone a study performed by its researchers to create a vaccine for the ebola virus. So far it “has generated long-term immunity against the Ebola virus in monkeys. The vaccine is now entering phase one clinical trials in humans” (Whiteman, 2014). The vaccine known as ZMapp kept the monkeys healthy for 10 months and was even able to treat two men that had already been