
Ecocritical Analysis Of Nehru

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Abstract: The main objective of this study is to attempt an ecocritical analysis of Jawaharlal Nehru’s Glimpses of World History. Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) is one of the greatest statesmen and writers of the twentieth century. He has written a number of books of which Glimpses of World History is an outstanding contribution to Indian Literature in English. His letters to his daughter clearly reveal Nehru’s interest on ecocritical tropes and his ecological sensibility. As a lover of nature, he imparts this characteristic to his daughter, Indira Gandhi too. Ecocriticism has gained the attention of many scholars over the last three decades throughout the world. It depicts the relationship between human and nature – depiction of nature in literature. This theory has been gaining popularity day by day because of the ecological disaster which the humans witness in everyday life. This study analyses the letters of Nehru from an ecocritical point of view by using various ecocritical tropes like wilderness, pastoral, animals, and pollution and apocalypse (ecocide) for understanding the ecological sensibility of Nehru. This study’s approach is to concentrate on the major …show more content…

He loved mountain trekking, especially the Himalayas of Kashmir. In ‘The Last Letter’, Nehru writes that mountain climbing is a joyful experience. In ‘Empires in Western Asia’, Nehru talks about the wilderness in Kashmir where there are many fine glaciers. Nehru notes that he loved the Pindari glacier, which was the nearest glacier for him and Indira from where they stayed, and he went to it when he was a small boy. He always loved to quench in the wilderness of Kashmir. For Nehru, a peaceful life is possibly greatly in the wilderness. In ‘A Holiday and a Dream Journey’, Nehru remarks that the peace dwells in the snow-crowned Himalayas. Hence, for him, wilderness gives peace of

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