
Ecology: Chaparral Biomes

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Chaparral biomes are located in small isolated areas throughout most continents, according to Kids do Ecology. These locations are usually by a large body of water such as the oceans. In general, Chaparrals do not cover vast amounts of land area. One Chaparral location example mentioned by Kids do Ecology, is the United States, in Santa Barbra, California. There are also chaparrals around the Mediterranean Sea, Southwest North America, the middle of Chile, Southern Australia and Southwest Africa (Raven, 116).
Moreover, many people call the Chaparral climate the Mediterranean climate because of its rainy, mild winters and dry, warm summers (Raven, 116). These summers in the Chaparral are very hot and dry, receiving very little if any rain, …show more content…

The land itself is thin and hardly fertile, only drought and fire resistant vegetation are capable of surviving in the Chaparral’s conditions (Raven, 116). Some examples of plants found in the Chaparrals in California are Blue Oak, Coyote Brush, Common Sagebrush, Manzanita, and Mountain Mahogany (W, Sofia, 2002). Other common vegetation in Chaparrals around the world are drought-resistant pine, scrub oak trees and agricultural plants such as olive, carob, and vineyards (Raven, 116-117). The vegetation in Chaparrals are characterized by being lush and green during the rainy winter, and dull and unsaturated during the dry summer (Raven, 116). Thus, the vegetation in chaparrals must be able to resistant into these changing conditions for long term survival in this …show more content…

Wild fires are natural to Chaparrals but not at the frequency they are currently happening do to humans. The normal recovery time between fires should be thirty to one hundred and fifty years, or at least fifteen years, but do to human ignition the fires have increase causing serious degradation or even complete elimination of some Chaparrals ( Humans often build homes in Chaparrals, such as the hills of California (Raven, 117). Humans also hurt Chaparrals through destruction of habitat and water sources ( Lastly, one of the biggest human induced problems is the spread of invasive weeds and plants such as pampas grass, ivy, fountain grass, cordgrass and periwinkle, among many others ( These plants are non-native and should not be planted in or around Chaparrals for any reason. All things considered, Chaparral are a unique and important biome which are home to many plants and species, and thus should be taken proper care of through conservation efforts. Humans residing on and around Chaparral biomes need to take proper percussion to not hurt Chaparral through their

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