
Government Bonds: General Public Is Less Likely To Face Violent Revolution

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Zhe Sun
Giselle Rubi
Gilberto Rodriguez
Thinh Mai
Prof. Slotkin
Economics 1A Essay Questions Midterm #2

1. “A government whose bonds are widely held by the general public is less likely to face violent revolution.” Why might that be the case? Before we answer the first question, we must need to know what a “Government Bond” is. It is a debt security issued by a government to support government spending, most often issued in the country's domestic currency. Federal government bonds in the United States include: the savings bond, Treasury bond, Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS), and others. In my opinion, there are three main reasons for this question. Firstly, before …show more content…

In this way, the Fed manages price inflation in the economy. So bonds affect the U.S. economy by determining interest rates. This affects the amount of liquidity. This determines how easy or difficult it is to buy things on credit, take out loans for cars, houses or education, and expand businesses. In other words, bonds affect everything in the economy. Treasury bonds impact the economy by providing extra spending money for the government and consumers. This is because Treasury bonds are essentially a loan to the government that is usually purchased by domestic consumers. However, for a variety of reasons, foreign governments have been purchasing a larger percentage of Treasury bonds, in effect providing the U.S. government with a loan. This allows the government to spend more, which stimulates the economy. Treasury bonds also help the consumer. When there is a great demand for bonds, it lowers the interest rate. Thirdly, government can get money by issuing bonds to improve the life of its people. In the U.S., federal, state and local governments issue bonds to build, repair and improve schools, streets, hospitals, airports and many other public works.
2. Should the Feb be subject to Congressional oversight? We do not think the Fed should be subject to congressional oversight although some conservative lawmakers have been arguing for years that Congress should audit the Federal Reserve and take a

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