
Economic And Social Effects Of The Civil War Essay

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The overarching theme in the section regarding the economic and social effects of the war is identity. In this section, the South finds that it carries an immense economic burden as a result of the war. Seceding from the Union had cut off the South from Northern markets and trading ports, and therefore, had made it far more difficult for the South to export cotton. With much of the Southern white male population having been drafted into the Confederate army, the lack of the male work force that powered the South now left farms and industries that didn't use slave labor no remained with no workers. Production declined vastly as a result,and the effectiveness of Northern naval blockades led to shortages of food and other necessities. The South's agricultural focus on solely growing cotton for profit left it with little chance of …show more content…

Many women also began to enter through the school teaching and nursing professions through the necessity of having individuals leading the domestic sphere where there was a lack of men. Through the 1860s, Southern women began to question the gender roles imposed by Southern society and the assumption that women were unsuited for certain professions or activities. The war would leave the U.S. with immense casualties on both sides as well as many men injured severely, and who were unable to perform hard labor when they returned to their homes and farms. This in turn would affect the overall population significantly, especially in the South, that would lead to a disproportionate amount of women to men, many of whom were either widows or unmarried, and sought work. A similar situation presented itself in the 20th century, during World War II, when millions of citizens, a majority being male, were drafted into the armed forces, and played a role in combating the Nazi and Japanese

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