
Economic Differences Between The North And South In The 1800s

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In the 1800’s, the United States was divided into two different sections, the North and the South. Both factions had extremely different climates and geographic features that resulted into different economic productions, but each sector relied on each other to make sure that America was able to survive. For instance, the north focused on manufacturing, and the south on farming, due to their weather, climates, and geography differences. The north had a rather inconsistent climate, as it was hot and humid in the summer while cold and snowy in the winter. Additionally, there was a limited amount of flat surfaces, but rather multiple hills and lots of rocky soil. This led to very little farming done, which obviously differentiates with the South. …show more content…

For example, a document given helps show the how geography can effect economic differences. The image shown is a map of a canal in the north, and the direction that the wind is pushing it in. The wind helped make the water move faster in a certain direction, which would run into the wheel, making it spin. This section of evidence shows how the north has multiple canals, and how that resulted in the north using wheel-powered factories (the actual spinning of the wheel) to make a living and manufacture. Furthermore, while southern citizens used slaves, there was no profit in that for the northern people, and therefore, they used workers who received an actual pay, such as mill girls, children and immigrants. Thus, because of the large percent of jobs that the north supplied, a huge amount of people immigrated there, in hopes of looking for an …show more content…

With a consistent summer, and no snowy sort of winter, their weather was well suited for farming, which is what they did. For instance, document 1 state: “The fertile soil and warm climate of the South made it ideal for large-scale farms and crops like tobacco and cotton.” This excerpt from the document shows how the warm weather effects what the southerners use to make a living; which is farming cotton and other crops. Moreover, the south was provided with lots of flat land, which also helped improve the rate of growing crops in the south. Because large plantations were the main way on living, slaves were constantly used used in the south. The slaves endured long hours of work to keep up the steady rate of cotton to produce income towards the plantation owners. To illustrate, a graph of the cotton was shown as textual evidence to prove the cotton growth. On the graph, it is seen that the production of cotton was low in the beginning, but increased drastically by the end of the 1860’s. This was due to the high number of slaves and the creation of the cotton gin, a machine that cleans cotton. Accordingly, because of the high number of slaves, there was a smaller population of people in the south, due to most people immigrating here looking for jobs. This led newcomers to populate the north, rather than the

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