
Economics And The Real World He Has Achieved An Impressive Understanding Of The Key Economic Models And Concepts

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haysman AA A
Lachie has proved an enthusiastic student of Economics with an active interest in Economics and the real world He has achieved an impressive understanding of the key economic models and concepts. In class he has been attentive and his contributions to class discussion have been thoughtful and perceptive. Lachie’s summative assessment work has been admirable, with his topic test being particularly notable. His diligentand mature approach has meant that he handled the challenges of the final examination with confidence

Matthew has proved an astute student of Economics with an active interest and has achieved an excellent grasp of the key economic models and concepts. In class he has been attentive and his contributions to class discussion have been thoughtful and mature. His summative assessment work has been excellent, with his research work being particularly impressive. His consistent and thoughtful approach has meant that he handled the challenges of the final examination with confidence.

CLEARY A- A- A- A- B+ A_
George has proved a highly motivated student of Economics with a lively interest in the subject and it’s issues,, and he has achieved an excellent understanding of the key economic models and concepts. In class he has been attentive and his contributions to class discussion have been mature and insightful. James summative assessment work has been well prepared and of a high standard. George’s

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