
Edith Carvell's Role In World War 1 Essay

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On the 28th of July 1914 to 11th November 1918, WW1 a universal war first took place in Europe. Through the war, there were many stories of loss, sacrifice, mateship, endurance, and bravery however many did not focus on the women in the war. In the war, a vast majority of the women were employed in jobs that were vacated by men who had gone to war. Women also enrolled into the military serving as nurses for the injured. Edith Carvell was a British nurse who was among the women who went to serve in WW1, she played a big role in WW1 history for the lives she changes and her courageous actions she displayed as she had broken stereotypes that were placed on women in this period of time. WW1 was quite a tough time being a woman as and was indeed a lot tougher to become a recognized heroine. On October 12th, 1915 in Brussels, Belgium the British nurse Edith Carvell age 49 was executed by a German firing squad as she had helped …show more content…

On August 1915, sadly Edith Carvell was arrested by the German's and held in St Gilles prison. After her arrest, she did not attempt to try to defend herself, she confessed before the court to what she had done, but the only thing she voiced in her defence was that she had felt obliged to assist the people in need of help. After the trial, the German military, knowing she was guilty of treason sentenced her to execution on the morning of October 12th, 1915. This had astounded many onlookers as it appeared to be quite a harsh punishment given how she had been honest, and she had saved countless lives both allied and German. Before her execution took place a man named Reverend Stirling Gahan, who was an Anglican chaplain visited her sharing the last conversation she had said: "I have no fear nor shrinking, I have seen death so often that it is not strange or fearful to

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