
Editing In Psycho

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The 1960 film Psycho includes one of the most well-known murder scenes to ever be filmed by Alfred Hitchcock. Through the use of editing Hitchcock was able to draw his audience in and make them feel as if they were there in room watching every event unfold before their own two eyes. Critical analysis of the killing of Marion Crane will include analysis of the editing and camera angels used in her final moments of her life. This scene has been reviewed thousands of times and is still today considered ahead of its time. Hitchcock composed Marion Crane’s murder using the three attributes of editing to draw the scene together and make it look like a particularly vicious, these three attributes are of course: creating meaning through collage, tempo, and timing. …show more content…

Crane was attacked while staying in the Bates Motel by an unknown female character, who was originally presented to the audience as female. We later find out is actually Norman Bates, the motel owner. Norman Bates, however, in this scene was not “Norman Bates” he was actually “Mother.” “Mother” was a second personality the Norman had adopted after his actual mother died. “Mother” was an alternate personality no one was aware of until the ending, in which Norman acting for “Mother”is caught in the act of committing another murder. In the scene where “Mother” kills Marion she sneaks into Marion’s motel room while she showers and surprises her. Then stabs her to death, and then leaves her to bleed out in the bathtub. “Mother” acts in a wildly, animalistic fashion during this scene, which is aided by the style in which Hitchcock films and edits his

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