
Edmn 7303 Assignment 1

Decent Essays

Neile Stevens
Text Assignment #2
Professor Suter
EDFN 7303 Introduction to Educational Research Fall 2015
September 11, 2015

Walker, A.N., Barry, T.D., & Bader, S.H. (2010). Therapist and parent ratings of changes in adaptive social skills following a summer treatment camp for children with autism spectrum disorders: A preliminary study. Child & Youth Care Forum, 39(5), 305-322. doi: s10566-010-9110-x

1. This study investigated whether changes in social skills in children with autism spectrum disorders were apparent to camp interventionists and parents after an existing summer camp program that focused on interventions designed to target specific social skills. In this study the researchers were concerned with pre and post intervention measures but were not part of the actual interventions. The researchers asked parents who had children attending this already established summer camp to participate by providing ratings on their children. There was no random assignment in this intervention making this study quasi-experimental research. The researchers were looking for a positive change in children’s pre intervention measures and post intervention measures. Their hypothesis was that the children would have …show more content…

An extraneous variable in this research was that some children who were part of this study did receive individual therapy during the study. This is extraneous because some individual children were pulled out of regularly scheduled activities to participate in activities that differed from those targeted during group sessions allowing for the possibility that this could have confounded results. The researchers conducted tests to determine if this did indeed confound the study and determined that it did not. The interventions that addressed particular social skills were quasi independent variables because there was no random assignment of subjects to these interventions. (Walker et al.,

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