
Edmundo Ortega. Mrs. Buentello. English Iii Ap. 28 February

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Edmundo Ortega
Mrs. Buentello
English III AP
28 February 2017
The Cask of Amontillado Yielding a work richly saturated with remarkable literary integrity, Edgar Allen Poe is intrinsically capable of exquisitely manipulating symbolic, literal, and figurative language to unravel the horrid, morbid tale of Montresor’s vile revenge upon Fortunato that is the short story of “The Cask of Amontillado”. There are two characters in Edgar’s short story; Montresor, and Fortunato. Montresor is the narrator and from the beginning of the story, he does not shy away from expressing his hatred for Fortunato, without revealing the several ways Fortunato has done harm to him prior. Montresor seeks revenge on Fortunato, and uses Fortunato 's love of wine …show more content…

This solidifies Montresor’s principle of being stringent with Fortunato’s fate for Montresor possesses carte blanche over Fortunato for whatever crimes against Montresor he once committed. Montresor will forever seek revenge upon Fortunato and will refuse rest while he is in impunity. Montresor is not only attempting to create an equilibrium of suffrage to fore Fortunato to endure, but is amplifying conditions and circumstances from what the reader can conclude . Because the audience is left ignorant of the crimes committed by Fortunato against Montresor , we are left to believe that Fortunato did nothing more than speak badly of Montresor from the few context clues left ridden in the beginning of the story. Upon reaching the end of the short story the audience is left to ponder within confusion while Montresor leaves behind Fortunato, for the severity of the crimes committed by Fortunato is not made aware and therefore can not be identified as fowl enough to deserve such a punishment Montresor provides Fortunato. Edgar’s short story is plagued with different types of irony, the type that takes precedence above all others being verbal irony, as is seems to be the main focus of the story. A more than evident example is the name itself given to the victim of the story: Fortunato. Fortunato, belonging to a latin origin, yields the meaning and or stigma of luck, blessings and fortune.

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