
Edna St. Vincent Millay: An Italianized Sonnet

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An Italianized Sonnet “What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why”, is a Petrarchan / Italian sonnet by Edna St. Vincent Millay. This poem is different from a Shakespearean sonnet because of the rhyme scheme and also because there is no argument. The speaker appears to be an older lady who is thinking of her affairs from her past. She seems to have never experienced love before. She has kissed and slept with multiple partners but none of them were her true love. In the first stanza, the speaker cannot recall the different men that she has kissed or slept with in the past. She states “ but the rain is full of ghost tonight, that tap and sigh” ( 3-4). She is using these two lines to describe the lovers. The rain seems to remind of her of the many …show more content…

She is describing herself as a lonely tree in the winter and the birds are the men that have left, one by one. In the winter, trees go through a process similar to hibernation. Everything in them slows down and the first part the tree loses is its leaves. She is expressing how the men leaving her, slowly puts her in a state of dormancy. “ Yet knows it boughs more silent that before: I cannot say what loves have come and gone; “( 11-12). Even though the thought of her being left alone saddens her, the speaker still cannot recall the men that have left her. The fact that she cannot recall any of the lovers, it seems that she may not really care. She may just like the feeling of having someone to sleep with. The setting is one rainy midnight, where it is so quiet she can hear the rain hitting against the window. This lets the reader know that is quiet. She is clearly lonely. This is normally when most people do a lot of their thinking if they are still up and not asleep. She is lonely and this is when she starts to reminisce and starts to want to feel the need of a man in her

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