
Edna's Role In The Awakening

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How many people can actually say they are happy with who they are and how people see them? In today’s society women are still viewed as the weaker of the sex, they are still taught to think and act a certain way. Just like in the 1800s, women were supposed to be at home taking care of their kids and their husband. Then there are some women like Edna, from the novel The Awakening by Kate Chopin, who want to step out of the box between what a woman should be and what women want to be. When Edna needs to decide who she wants to be there comes a conflict, society expects her to act a certain way while she wants to be herself. Whether it is to be a mother, a wife, a friend, or none of the above, she has the problem of being caught between the way other …show more content…

In that time her wanting to have her own opinions and not be the perfect wife was completely out of the question. She was supposed to, in a way, worship her husband and if something were to happen she would do anything to keep her husband safe. Even if that meant sacrificing her life, that’s what she was supposed to do. As we see from the beginning of the novel, Edna began pushing away her husband to focus on her art and her self reflection. He mainly stays in the dark throughout the novel, yet when she abandons her reception day, he reacts on how his business will be affected by her actions. He is in the upper class level so he chooses to try and stay updated with the people that would be classified in that class. He believed that he could lavish her with gifts and no matter what happened she would stay. He wanted his wife to be this perfect mother and woman, which Edna could no longer be. Especially, with Edna’s growing independence, she does not want to stay in her husband’s presence and act like someone she is not. Some would even say she let her feelings get the best of her

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