
Educating Children With A Disability

Decent Essays

Children come to this world without the parents knowing what the child may be born with but as a family we give love and care for all of our children. “Special disability “shouldn’t be a category to children who were born with a disability they were born into this world they are no different from you and I. Some parents believe that when their children graduate high school life is over for their amazing children .These parents are blocking or either ignorant to look for opportunities the world gives to children with a disability. In my paper it will be informing how schools act upon children with a disability and after opportunities when their children graduate high school. In every school proper accommodations should be set for the students. (“Transition Planning “6) . Not only knowing the needs of the children but also knowing how to inform curriculum planning helps on the relationship that happens at home and at school with our children. (Lightfoot 77).There is two acts the,” The No Child Left behind Act” in 2002 and the “Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Education Act “in 2004 these both acts state that children who have a disability have the access to general education curriculum. Unfortunately there are some children with severe intellectual disabilities where multi-level curriculum and instruction is no help towards them. Curriculum overlapping allows children to participate in a wide variety of age appropriate activities that

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