
Education And Poverty In Venezuela

Decent Essays

The conditions of man have changed significantly in recent decades. The discoveries and inventions that have been made during the last hundred years have been greater than the sum of all creativity made until then. Even these inventions, people all around the world are suffering; in the world 1,300 million people live on less than a dollar a day, almost half of the population lives on less than two dollars a day. Perhaps it is a product of the fact that more than 800 million are unemployed and many more than 100 works with salaries that do not cover their basic needs. And that nineteen percent (19%) of young people between 14 and 17 years have not completed primary education. In that sense, no one doubts that Education is a determining factor in a high degree in the wellbeing and wealth of man. Venezuela, a developing country, is not excluded from this statistic as well. In Venezuela in recent years’ poverty has been increasing, reaching very important levels; for many analysts, the future of these country does not look very promising. Apart from political factors, which are largely determinant of the country's situation, Education as a factor of personal and national development has not been addressed as it should be. In recent years has been developing in Latin America and especially in Venezuela, an economic crisis of such magnitude that in this country the increase in poverty has grown dramatically, as a result of the decrease in sources

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