
Education : The Core Value Of Leadership In Education

Decent Essays

Leadership in education should be embraced and the challenge should be taken with great pride and integrity. The belief that you are an agent of change is the essence of teaching. Faith in progress and value in every student embody the schools culture and morale. Learn from veterans and carry the importance of education to the next generation. Be courageous, challenge inequality and allow every student to have the same opportunity learn. A leader is fair, firm, friendly, and on a mission to transform boys and girls into productive and contributing members of society.
Margaret pass valuable lesson to Joan. The essence of teaching is more than care. It is love, just, and firm. “Isn’t caring the core value in teaching? Asked Joan. It’s critical, but there are other important values that we often overlook. Take Roscoe, for example. You certainly care about him, but it took more than caring. Being loved was not all that Roscoe needed. He also needed to master some basic skills and learn to set higher standards for himself” (Pg. 142). As a teacher, I have learned that I need to be firm, fair, and friendly to fully build relationships with my students. Building relationships on care alone is not healthy for the growth of a student. We need to challenge our students and firmly direct them when they go wrong. Margaret also talked about balance when it comes to the amount of attention we give our students. Margaret also talked about faith. She said, “Faith is believing in things when everything tells you not to” ( pg. 143) . At times, even parents will give up on their own children and many people have already given up on teachers. Having faith that you can be an agent of change is a value that you cannot be compensated for. However, the satisfaction of bringing change to a person’s life is enough to do it again. Educators make lasting impacts on many people. We have a very noble job and are agents of change. Fifteen years later and I still remember my second grader teacher and her impact on my education. That is the kind of impact I want to have.” It’s just amazing all the cards I’ve received. I was just reading one from a girl I taught more than 20 years ago, and I hadn’t heard from here since” (Pg. 140).
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