
Educational Reform Essay

Better Essays

The Global Imperative for U.S. Educational Reform

Table of Contents

Introduction 3
Background 4
Problem Statement 6
Alternative Solutions 7
Conclusion 11
References 12

The Global Imperative for U.S. Educational Reform

The United States has an extensive educational system that has been charged with accommodating the needs of an extensively diverse student population. U.S. educational institutions exist at all learning levels, from preschools for early childhood education to secondary education for youths, and post secondary education for both …show more content…

The study further indicated that American students lacked the ability to sustain learning over a long period of time, and that this was an indicator of the inability of many students to sustain productive employment. Findings further indicated that most students only developed basic skills that require low level cognitive functions. In other words, American students have failed to develop higher level thinking, problem-solving capabilities that will sustain a democratic, economically thriving society.

In response to the research on the outlook of U.S. educational practices as they relate to global competitiveness, President George Bush enacted legislation that he and his cohorts envisioned would fill the achievement gaps of the current educational system as it stood. Initially, Bush and his team of advisors relied on individual states to develop reform initiatives for their current educational systems. Each state was charged with developing a stop-gap method that would bridge the achievement gaps by 2000 as a ratification of Lyndon B. Johnsons’ Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. As with the latter, Bush’s initial proposal to states failed to meet the objectives of equal education for all students. Minority students still performed significantly under their white counterparts on all indicators of achievement. Thus, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was implemented. The

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