
Edward Albee Essay

Decent Essays

Edward Albee, a famous American Playwright, was born on March 12, 1928 and grew up in Westchester County, New York. Albee grew up with his adoptive parents and left home at the age of 18, due to conflicts with his adoptive parents and a suffocating environment. Although, his adopted family was very wealthy and owned multiple theatres, he felt very distanced. However, because he was his family owned theatres, he was exposed to that realm and idea, which he later found a passion with. Albee’s love as a playwright was not supported by his family, as they wanted a son to have a more respectable job, like a doctor or lawyer. As a student, Albee was known to be expelled or kicked out by many of his schools. He had a passion to write plays and began experimenting with different styles, while befriending other writers, sculptors and painters.
Albee was an exceptional writer and wrote many poems, but was able to find his break or voice when he began writing plays. He was known for his dramas and many one act plays. His first breakout and major play was “Zoo Story” and was written in only 3 weeks. Zoo Story is a one act play and its theme explore the topics of isolation, social …show more content…

Edward Albee was a UH professor for distinguished playwriting and was an Associate director at the Alley Theatre. He was able to take charge of UH’s theatre program from 1989-2003 and returned to UH in 2009 to become a professor and teach young adults about his passion.
Personally for me, I feel like I would enjoy his plays. He is known to evoke a lot of raw and real emotion from the actors and his audience, which interests me. I already tend to like watching dramas and on top of that, Albee has very many short one act plays, that wouldn’t take that much time away from me. He also has won 3 pulitzer Awards and is known for being one of the greatest modern playwrights of all time, so I think I would very much enjoy his

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