
Edward Hyde Alternate Ending

Decent Essays

EDWARD HYDE positively deteriorated throughout the rest of the evening -- his words, while long and elegant and therefore best suited for the upper classes, slurred together, suggestive of a cheap windchime’s discordant tin. His chair inched ever-closer to that of Utterson’s throughout the evening. The lawyer recoiled upon catching a whiff of the man’s breath and motioned to Poole, anxious for the safety of his friend lest Hyde, in such an intoxicated state, should deem it fit to remain at the house overnight. “I’ll see what I can manage, Sir,” Poole responded, warily glancing at Hyde. “But ‘e is in rather unfit a state to walk home.” Utterson conceded the fact and tried to focus on whatever Harrison had asked him. The fire roared through the drawing …show more content…

Poole sighed and shook him again. “Really, Poole--” Poole released his hold on the dwarf and snapped, “Master Hyde!” The dwarf startled awake and fell from the chair. “It is time for Jekyll’s guests to leave; should I summon ‘is carriage for you?” A pulse shot through Hyde’s head and he stopped in his attempt to move, face smushed against the hard wooden floor. “Hnnnng--no…” Utterson seized his chance and stood, shooting Hyde a long, pitying look before Poole escorted the two men out. HYDE scrambled to his feet once they were gone and reeled instantly. His vision blacked out and he cursed loudly. One drink as Jekyll, one drink as Hyde; that was his intent. In practice, however, it was difficult to abstain from indulging in just one more glass and he must have consumed upwards of nine glasses throughout the night. Would only his head stop pounding! “Master Hyde!” He must tell off Poole; the man seemed incapable of speaking quietly-- “Do you need help, Sir?” He turned his head too fast, too fast; Poole doubled before him, then united in a blurry haze; he staggered forward and fell in the expectant arms of Poole. Why must Jekyll hoard the man’s services?--good help: a difficult thing to

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