
Edward Irving Research Paper

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During the 1840s, a movement to restore ancient Christianity in Britain and the West used the name "Catholic Apostolic Church (Catholicate of the West)." The name was used by an ecumenical prayer movement om the early 19th century. The movement included the Gifts in the Holy Spirit but it was suppressed by the local churches.

Considered a “Forerunner of the Charismatic Movement,” Edward Irving was born in Scotland. A college graduate, he became a minister in the Church of Scotland, which was Presbyterian. In 1822 he was called to pastor Caledonia Church with about 50 members. He had a flamboyant style, and the congregation increased quickly to 1,000 members.
A prayer movement started in the 1820s. William Howitt wrote about Edward Irving in his book, The …show more content…

Prophetic utterances started in Port Glasgow, Scotland. In 1830 speaking in unknown tongues started with a female. When tongues came forth in the middle of a message, she was taken to a small room where she finished delivering the message in tongues. After that happened, the gift of speaking in tongues frequently was displayed in public. People started going to the church to witness this phenomena. Irving authored articles in Fraser’s Magazine stating that the messages were orderly and interpreted. They were delivered in a high key with an eloquence that resembled a noble chant rather than oratorical speaking. He believed they had the sound of the old cathedral chants similar to those practiced in the past at St. Ambrose, a Catholic Church. All who witnessed the experience noted that it was stirred up and delivered by a supernatural

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