
Eethical Analysis Of Ray Anderson's The Corporation

Decent Essays

Ray Anderson’s speech that he presented at an Emerging Issues Forum is included in The Corporation. However, before his speech is presented within the documentary, Ray Anderson is shown admitting in several clips throughout the film that he is guilty of being a plunderer of the earth. Within his speech, he proposes principles that corporations should follow that are in alignment with his plunderer revelation. His proposed principles are for corporations to be committed to having a purpose. He believes that the purpose should be for their corporations to do no harm. He speaks on severing the umbilical cord to earth through taking already extracted raw materials and using them over and over again. Lastly, he wants to climb the mountain of sustainability, while leaving zero foot point. Corporations are doing harm to society by having zero concern for the public. The documentary calls corporations, “monsters” that do nothing but devour as much profit as possible at the expense of anyone. Ray Anderson came to this realization and wanted to do something about it. Joan Tronto’s four ethical elements of care support Ray Anderson’s efforts and shed light on how corporations can be restructured to meet Anderson’s proposed principles. Her four ethical elements of care include, attentiveness, choosing to suspend ones own goals, ambitions, and plans in order to recognize and respond to the needs of others. Responsibility, looking beyond obligations in order to see what can directly or

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