
Effect Of Technology On Uniformity

Satisfactory Essays

Technology is always being improved and developed to aide in the daily activities that people go through. Around the world people use computers and cell phones to contact friends and family; however, in the past people would have face to face interactions to talk. This dependency on technology rather than human contact has many benefits, such as, it puts less stress on consumers and can lead to more time for other activities. However, it has many very negative effects also, this development has led to a growth in obesity, less diversity, and today people are less appreciative and kind to others. This decrease in human contact has led to the degradation of human health, through a decrease in physical activity, this change can be observed in the …show more content…

This is just one of several reasons that technology has had a negative effect on daily human life throughout the world. Uniformity can be good is small portions, but a decrease in uniqueness can be harmful to society. This is yet another effect of the decrease in human contact, an increase in uniformity and a large decrease in uniqueness. Social media has led to a decrease in diversity, most of the population sees and watches the same things leading to a sudden increase in uniformity. This increase in national uniformity was observed with the increase in use of the radio in the past; however, today this uniformity is taken to a much larger scale through movies, YouTube, and other social media showing an enormous portion of the world the same images. In the past there was very little media tying people together, and this led to a large scale of diversity that is no longer present today due to social media. The decrease in diversity makes it harder for people to truly express themselves, this makes human contact only harder to maintain. Another cause of this increase in use of technology is the breakdown of mutual appreciation for others. This issue can be observed particularly in the increase in use

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