
Effectiveness Of A Worker For Prisons

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From a caseworker’s perspective, inmates can be difficult to treat effectively, especially if you are uncomfortable with the population. “The hierarchical structure and safety issues put prison workers under continuous daily pressure. They face a major challenge to handle their daily tasks while keeping emotions of anxiety, anger, and fear hidden so as not to interfere with their job performance.” (Ghaddar, Ronda, Nolasco, 504). Dealing with anger over the crimes committed by these people, the anxiety of trying to assist them in solving their issues, and the fear of them committing some form of violence towards you can be overwhelming to a caseworker. “Work ability is defined as ‘How good is the worker at present and in the near future and how able is he/she to do his/her work with respect to work demands, health, and mental resources.’” (Ghaddar et all, 503). In this study, scientists conducted a study in which the effectiveness (work ability) of a worker for prisons was put on an index (work ability index, WAI) and measured. This was done in order to determine if, after a certain age, social workers began to “burn out” when it comes to their ability to complete the emotionally and mentally taxing activities of being a resource for prisoners. According to this study, the following psychosocial factors were identified to interfere with performance of the worker: “high workload, emotional demands, needs to hide emotions, low control and influence, poor social support and

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