
Effectiveness of Relapse Prevention Therapy

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Effectiveness of Relapse Prevention Therapy
Effectiveness of Relapse Prevention Therapy
Relapse prevention therapy involves employing cognitive behavioral techniques to reduce the recurrence of relapse. One approach to relapse prevention is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), which was designed to reduce rates of relapse based on systematic training in mindfulness meditation combined with cognitive behavioral therapy methods. MBCT is an 8-week group therapy intervention that consists of 8 to 15 patients per group and sessions typically lasted 2 hours over 8 consecutive weeks with four follow-up sessions in the following year. MBCT for depression also teaches people to become more aware of their thoughts and feelings contributing to recurring depressive episodes.
Another intervention that is commonly used is relapse prevention group therapy (RP), which believes that addiction treatment should include a comprehensive behavioral therapy to address the psychological factors contributing to relapse. The 50 participants that were included in the relapse prevention therapy condition for heroin dependence and addiction were divided into 4 groups of 12 to 13 people per group and one instructor lead the sessions. Group sessions took place 2 to 3 times per week and each session would run 90 minutes long focusing on a specific topic. Relapse prevention therapy has shown significant improvements in reducing the recurrence of relapse for heroin and depressive episodes.

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