
Essay On Age Segregation

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In a world for teenagers, there is high school. Attending these high schools are millions of students who are all so diverse. In the U.S. today, the adolescents are more isolated from adults and children outside of their age group than ever before. Age segregation has created a youth that is different from adult culture in its values and attitudes. Society is constantly changing from generation to generation causing teenagers to rely on one another to teach them things that adults cannot. Adolescents have survived using many different mechanisms; by creating groups to cling to, the use of drugs, and any other outlet that they can find. Up until around the 1930’s the typical adolescent spent more time with adults and children of different ages. Some countries are utterly circled around the values of family and the importance of depending on each other. In America the adolescents don’t value family as much as other cultures do in some countries. Comparing ourselves with adolescents that occupy India, they spend an increased 25 percent of their time with family members. The causes of the wedge drove between Americas’ adolescents and adults are: child labors restricted adolescents’ participation in the world of work, the rise in maternal employment, and that between two to six million adolescents come home from school before their parents come home from work. This wedge becomes increasingly more gaping with every generation. During the mid-1800’s they began ‘Age grading’,

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