
Effects Of Drug Legalization

Decent Essays

Nakpane Nbohn
Course: COH 318
School: National University
Prof: williams

According to the national institute on Drug Abuse, Abuse of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs is costly to our Nation, exacting more than $740 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity and health care (NIDA. 2017, April 24). The rising of illicit drug smuggling and abuse raised questions about legalizing all drug. Although some people think that drugs legalization is a way to control illicit drug use, it seems that it will do more damage to our society than it will help. This essay will help us understand all the implications regarding all drugs legalization in this country.
Drug abuse in general and illicit drug use are one of the most difficult challenges that face all states around the world. Let us imagine a father with his kids at home who possess a gun without a safe to secure his gun. Is this family safe? Similarly, legalizing drugs will be a permanent danger to our society in many aspects.
Firstly, drugs legalization will result in an increased number of users of drug and substance abuse resulting in high utilization of healthcare services. For instance, legalization of marijuana in Colorado resulted in an increased healthcare utilization related to marijuana exposure and an exacerbation of chronic health condition (Monte, Zane & Heard. 2015. p. 241). In this example, legalization means an increased of drug availability and therefore will be accessible

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