
Effects Of Equality In Harrison Bergeron

Decent Essays

27 October, 2017 Equal to Many, Yet Fair to Few
In the short story “Harrison Bergeron,” author Kurt Vonnegut Jr. demonstrates the effects of equality on a futuristic society. The point of the story was to acknowledge the injustice equality brings to the above average people, whether it was looks, brains, or brawn. All with above average qualities were knocked down with the government's so called ‘hammer of justice.’ The story also points out to the reader the fragile state freedom is always in, and how equality is not really equal.
For starters, the short story demonstrates how the government was to keep order and ‘protect’ their citizens. The text states that “All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.” This shows that the futuristic society had laws that prevented any above average behavior, and if any were to disobey, they would be punished in the name of the law. There were many ways that they could be punished. In fact, the text specifically states, “Two years in prison and a two thousand dollars fine for every ball I took out.” This shows the cost of relieving yourself from the unfair punishment, and the citizen were well aware of the fact. This would have kept order and made sure that the rules were followed, no matter who the person was.
There were many ways that equality was portrayed in “Harrison Bergeron.” In fact, though many laws

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