
Effects Of Juvenile Delinquency

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The group of people that typically falls into this idea of juvenile delinquency associated with “dangerous” or “criminal” usually points finger to individuals of a lower income class. Not all juvenile delinquents are from the lower class, but majority are; therefore, for a public’s eye view of delinquent behaviors are most likely caused by those juveniles of a poor background because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Being of lower class falls prey to the malnutrition and/or maltreatment by parents or guardians. With maltreatment and lack of positive reinforcements in discipline as it should be; their way of discipline may have been carried out as physical punishments and corrective actions for unruly behavior which in turn enhanced negative reinforcements of actions and delinquency. Children who were mistreated by physical abuse and neglected increased the likelihood risk of committing unruly behavior and actions of juvenile delinquency. There are those juvenile delinquents that are from upper class, but being within the upper class category gives them the access to have the legal means of being acquitted where those of lower class are automatically considered a criminal or scapegoat whether they have committed a crime or not; therefore, it increases the likelihood of this individual to commit criminal activity in the future because the innocence of this individual was already lost where everyone already made the judgement that he is the guilty one based on what their status is.
Between the 18th and 19th centuries, juvenile delinquency became a problematic outbreak that spread throughout England. Juvenile delinquency became such a widespread problem as a disease that affected the norms of society with its abusive and violent manner carried out by juveniles. With the increasing of undisciplined juveniles throughout the country triggered the formations of gangs from its increasing numbers of members. Due to population growth and poverty with lack of guardianships in the country caused juvenile to engage in deviant behaviors and committing petty crimes against citizens. Many juveniles grew up only to know the life of crimes and conducting themselves in deviant behaviors associating themselves

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