
Effects Of Kinesio On Lower Limb Lymphedema Secondary

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Effect of Kinesio® Taping on Lower Limb Lymphedema Secondary to Gynecological Cancer
Marysa Meyer
PT 640
Research Question: What is the effect of applying Kinesio© Tape to the lower extremity of patients with lymphedema secondary to gynecological cancer treatments?
Background and Purpose. Lower limb lymphedema (LLL) is a common outcome of gynecological cancer treatment. LLL in gynecological cancer survivors can lead to a decreased quality of life while interfering with the ability to participate in daily activities. The current gold standard for treatment for lymphedema of the lower extremity is complete decongestive therapy (CDT), however concerns regarding adherence and long term effects are posed in current research on this …show more content…

The primary outcome measure will be circumferential measurements of the lower extremity and secondary outcome measures will be quality of life and adherence. These measures will be taken one month before start of the study, post 4-weeks of treatment, and at a two month follow up. This research could provide evidence for the use of KT as an alternative treatment within CDT, or to enhance current CDT outcomes.
Specific Aims:
1. To determine if Kinesio® Taping on the lower extremity affects limb circumference in patients with lower limb lymphedema secondary to gynecological cancer.
2. Determine if Kinesio® Taping on the lower extremity affects quality of life of gynecological cancer patients.
3. Determine if Kinesio® Taping on the lower extremity affects adherence to complete decongestive therapy treatment in gynecological cancer patients.

Background and Significance: Lower limb lymphedema (LLL) induced by standard surgical and radiation treatment for gynecological cancers is a serious complication that can lead to adverse physical and mental patient outcomes1. It is estimated that between 7 and 78 percent of patients treated for gynecological cancers develop LLL after beginning their medical treatment regimen2,3,4. This substantial disparity is likely due to variable definitions of lymphedema, bias regarding how lymphedema is

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