
Effects Of Mass Shootings

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Mass Shootings in Inner Cities: Does Gun Control Work? When we hear the words mass shooting, most of us immediately pause and begin to think the worst. We are filled with sorrow that soon turns to anger as details of the event emerge. A portion of the population immediately begins to call for more gun regulation and the battle is staged again. This scenario plays out in the media and in the legislative halls around the country and seems to occur on a much too frequent basis. Has the frequency of mass shootings actually increased? Or has technology allowed the media to convey stories within minutes of their occurrence giving the appearance of increasing crime? Many people believe the term mass shooting and inner city are almost synonymous …show more content…

on active shooter incidents. Active shooter statistics released by the F.B.I. reveal a total of 219 incidents that occurred between the years 2000-2016 in which forty-three could be considered an inner city by definition (“2000”). Research compiled by James Alan Fox shows that the number of mass shootings has averaged twenty per year for the previous thirty years (Domenech). Fox is a criminologist at Northeastern University in Boston. This means that less than twenty percent of all mass shootings occur within inner cities based on the faintest of definitions. Additionally, large cities experience an overwhelming majority of gang violence and criminal activity (Doak). It is estimated that more than half of all homicides in major cities are considered gang related (Whittaker). If you factor out gang activity from mass shootings, the numbers fall even further. Inner cities experience heightened criminal activity in general due to concentrated areas of higher population, but statistical evidence shows that mass shootings occur more frequently in rural and suburban areas. One area that supporters and opponents of gun control agree upon is that mental health issues are contributing to mass shootings. Legislators representing areas that include inner city districts have become very passionate about the issue due in part to deinstitutionalization. In 1955, public policy addressing the severely mentally ill changed and the process of

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