
Effects Of The House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros

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The people of the United States had to pick a side during the civil war depending on many factors. They referred to their friends as allies and their allies affected the way they thought, what they believe in, and what they fought for. In 'The House on Mango Street' by Sandra Cisneros, Esperanza's friends on Mango Street were not always her allies and, at times, set a bad example for her. Would Esperanza be the same person as Cathy? What about Minerva, who is much like Esperanza yet so different? Therefore, people in mango street affected Esperanza as she was growing up, especially Esperanza's family, Lucy and Rachel, Marin, and Sally. Esperanza's family is not out of the ordinary, but they still helped Esperanza throughout her childhood. …show more content…

They were Esperanza's first real friends that did not make her feel bad about Mango Street. They are not very mature, but that is why Esperanza is friends with them. They help Esperanza experience a childhood of fun and games. When Esperanza is with Lucy and Rachel she notices more things about Nenny. Near the beginning of the book, when Nenny is mentioned, Esperanza only talks about how different they are. She talks about Nenny having different hair, a different and better name, and about Nenny being too young. But when she starts to hang out with Rachel and Lucy, Esperanza talks more about the similarities she shares with Nenny like their laugh and how they think "That's what I was thinking exactly" (Cisneros 18). So Lucy and Rachel affected Esperanza by helping bring her closer to Nenny and they helped her look on the bright side. Esperanza began maturing and sharing some of her knowledge about the sexuality of hips with them. Esperanza had talked about her similarities with Nenny, but she also shows a big difference between the two sisters. Esperanza shows her coming- of- age with her rymes and poems, but Nenny's poems are more conventional and childish. There was a time when they all became more mature and that was when they wore heels, but Esperanza did not like the feeling so she discarded both the shoes and the feeling of sexual maturity "Tuesday her mother, who is very clean, throws them away. …show more content…

Lucy and Rachel are not mentioned or talked about when Esperanza is with Marin. Whenever she is with Marin she talks about older things like boys. Marin is Esperanza's first friend that is mentioned as a young woman who is trapped at home with duties she must uphold as a female. She must stay inside her house babysitting and waiting until night time to come out, and when she does, she wears more mature clothes, makeup, she smokes, and she spends her time singing, dancing, and talking to Esperanza about boys. Marin affected Esperanza by telling her about things she might come across as she grows up. It can be called maturity, but a different maturity than what her family taught her. Marin's maturity invlolved the bird and the bees while her family taught her about responsibility. But what about Sally, what did she teach

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