
Effects Of The Primary Flow Of Silver Dbq

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The primary flow of silver had severe effects economically and socially from 15000-1750. Some effects are the economic imbalance which caused social suffering, the social anarchy of robbing and more, and when the economic imbalance caused them to be active within the trade business which helped their economy. Documents 1, and 3 show the social effects that evolved from economic aspects. In document 1 it shows that the demand of silver had effects on the poor and also the rich. The source of document 1 was Ye Chunji, who was a county official during the Ming dynasty. The intent of this document was to show how the poor were happy what they had and the whole …show more content…

The farmer were working even harder than they were in the past for less money. The imbalance of the economy affected them abundantly. Documents 3, and 5 also show social effects from the flow of silver. Once again document 3 intent is to share about the negative effect and downfalls of the flow of silver. In this document it’s expresses how the poor sufferers, specifically farmers. For the fact that they were working way harder yet for so little money. Document 5 backs-up. Document 3 In Document 5 it brings up the imbalance of the economy. Document 5 states how people were expected to pay in a certain amount of silver for food. However the less privileged people such as the poor couldn't afford to pay that amount of silver. This led in social anarchy. This caused for negative social effects, this made people go/take extreme measures. They started to steal, and or rob, and even sell a member of their own family as slaves just to be able to provide for all or majority of …show more content…

So with that being said can we trust the, documents expressing the suffering of the poor as if they're poor. A lot of economic aspects had negative social effects. Documents 2, 3, and 4 also show economic effects of the flow of silver. Document 2 is all about the imbalance if the economy. Fair the fact that in document 2 it state show they invested/spot so much money on Asia instead of Spain. This later on creates an negative outcome. The intent I'd this document is all about economic imbalance. Document 3 is related to document 2 which talks about the economic imbalance. For the fact that because of the imbalance that's what creates the suffering of people. That’s what makes them want o be more involved. Document 4 backs-up 2, and 3, this document is all about the economy. This ties in with both but mainly document 2. For the fact that if it wasn't for the economic balance which cause suffering this document wouldn't exist. Document 4 intent is to convince, and tell us that we need to get in on the action! To be apart of the whole trading element in order to benefit ourselves. Which it did ! Although the sources of these articles are wealthy men so

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