
Effects Of Trigger Warnings On College Campuses And The Mental Health

Decent Essays

To Pull or Not to Pull? The Trigger. Trigger warnings are used to alert people of topics that may cause emotional stress or bring back a past trauma. They are usually seen before showing graphic material such as rape, abuse, violence, war, etc. so that people sensitive to the material can refrain from watching. Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt discuss the negative effects trigger warnings seem to be having on college campuses and the mental health of students in their article, “The Coddling of the American Mind”, going into detail about how avoiding certain subject material because it “offends” some people creates a poor learning environment and restricts thinking. Aaron Hanlon responds to this article with his own, “The Trigger Warning Myth”, arguing that there is no way trigger warnings are the cause of this mental instability. Both agree that emotional coddling can be detrimental to a student’s mental health, although Hanlon thinks there is no emotional coddling involved in trigger warnings. To make the argument that trigger warnings are forced upon teachers and cause more harm than protection to students, Lukianoff and Haidt must believe that the students ultimately hold the power in the classroom setting but are also narrow-minded. Hanlon, contrarily, assumes that teachers are the head of the classroom and that students are open minded to things that may make them question their beliefs and the beliefs of those around them. A teacher is usually said to be the head

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