
Effects of the Attractiveness and Socio Economic Status of a Defendant Influencing Jury's Decisions

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Effects of the Attractiveness and Socio Economic Status of a Defendant Influencing Jury’s Decisions
In Society today, and individuals past experiences can alter their perception of in many ways. Many of these experiences can lead an individual to stereotypes that lead individuals from a culture that is known by society to be more dominant to mistreat members from a minority group. Our judgments are overflowed about gender, attractiveness, and socioeconomic on a daily basis. The criminal justice system is a division of society that is believed to be bias and stereotyped free. Professionals in the legal system find that this hard to believe due to the objectiveness in society. (Fein, Morgan, Norton & Sommers, 1997). Researchers have found that a mixture of variable and the determination within of jurors will often impact the sentencing of criminal trials ( Mazella & Feingold, 1994). Mixture of variables meaning race, age and gender, and other factors that are not related to the actual crime or law, influenced sentencing recommendation (Abwender, Hough, 2001). Ultimately the determination of a juror within themselves to bring justice to all man kind and the individuals position of control can affect the seriousness of the sentencing that is recommended (Freeman, 2006). My hypothesis is the effect of attractiveness and socioeconomic status of a female defendant on severity of sentencing in a trail in which will be examined.
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