
Examples Of Egoism Vs Utilitarianism

Decent Essays

Critical Essay Egoism or Utilitarianism, which do you prefer? Well maybe the question should be, are either of them decent choices or maybe we need to think a little harder and come up with a better system. I will tell you about two of the people that stand for these philosophies, their ideas of the philosophy and some of the challenges that may be made against them. In the end I will let you know which one I think is a better system or maybe I will choose that neither of them will make work and I will have to explain what I think is a better system.
John Stuart Mill
What do we do that make our actions right or wrong? Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, and wrong as they tend to create the opposite of happiness. John regarded happiness as pleasure and absence of pain. He also believed that the quality and quantity of pleasure can be different because they are expressed differently. He believed that if we used higher expectations that the experience would be more pleasurable than the experience that those had that used little or no expectations. An example of this could be someone that got their happiness from getting into the nursing program and getting their RN degree, rather than the happiness that someone gets from sitting on the couch being lazy, of course this is an example from today’s time, and not the time that Mill lived and wrote his books and moral philosophy’s. Utilitarianism is fair because it is said to treat everyone

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