
Eg's Value Chain Analysis Paper

Decent Essays

Mid-Term Project Review of Subject Extreme Gaming (EG) Inc. is a company that manufactures games consoles, and one of its latest product is X-station, designed to have more gaming power than those of competitors in the gaming industry. EG Inc. pursues a differentiation strategy, addressing the broad market at a high price. With the new product X-station, EG Inc. revamped its MIS infrastructure to reduce cost, improves efficiency, and have better customer relationship management through business intelligence. In this assignment, a business problem faced by EG Inc. is explored and discussed, through the process of defining a research problem and the use of multiple types of research methods in resolving the problem. The research methods include …show more content…

According to the value chain analysis, a business adds value to its products or services through a series of activities it performs within the company. First, the primary value activities describe the production, the selling, and after-sales support for its products and services. Second, the support value activities describe all business functions needed to provide the human resource, the technology, the infrastructure, and the supplies (Baltzan, 2012). EG Inc. coordinates all its value-adding activities using an MIS infrastructure, comprising of a supply chain management (SCM) system, customer relationship management (CRM) system, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, and as a result increases productivity, reduces cost, optimizes business operations, generates growth, and increases profitability (Baltzan, …show more content…

The industry study was conducted using an online email survey from the period July 13 to 25, 2012, and collected a total of 128 executive interviews. The consumer study was conducted using an online survey with a consumer panel, during the period July 4 to 11, 2012, and collected a total of 420 consumer surveys. The study found that the usage of live agent, IVR and web self-service declined since 2011, while email and emerging channels such as web chat, VoIP, SMS, social media and smartphone apps have all increased since 2011 (Figure 1). Also, the email and web self-service channels are preferred more for general inquiries (47% and 25% respectively) and updating information (45% and 30% respectively), while customers in the US use web self-service because they are looking for information and perceive it to be easier and convenient. Overall, the benchmark resolution rate for web self-service was at 66% and the customer satisfaction score for web self-service was 42% average (Fifth Quadrant,

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