Throughout ancient history, one can find many different examples of civilization, each with different geography, political systems, and cultures. Although many of these empires were prominent and influential, one could argue that the two most contrasting, impactful civilizations were perhaps Egypt and Mesopotamia. These two empires had entirely different circumstances in terms of the land they were erected on, the peoples both in the land and surrounding it, and the social customs that developed. However, in spite of the wildly differing conditions, both Egypt and Mesopotamia were able to develop in such a way that the two cultures were both in a position to leave behind impactful legacies that still influence the world today. Before one considers how Egypt and Mesopotamia differ socially and politically, one must first understand the different geographies that drove …show more content…
This is not meant to imply that the two were so radically different that it is difficult to find similar physical features between the two, because it is not. In fact, both of them owe their existence to the same aquatic feature that has spawned many empires. Mesopotamia, also known as “the land between the rivers”, was located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which were crucial to farmers, traders, and everyday citizens. In Egypt, it was the Nile River that filled this life-sustaining role. This, however, is where the similarities seem to cease. In Egypt, the Nile was more often than not a benevolent force, one that helped farmers grow their crops, and delivered a water supply to the valley. It was dependable, and seen as safe. In contrast, the Mesopotamians
Egypt and Mesopotamia have both similarities and differences, throughout both of these civilizations from back to 3,500 B.C. The political and social structures in these civilizations were different and the same in their own way. The political differences between Egypt and Mesopotamia included hierarchy power, land control, and centralized government. The similarities between both civilizations are social class, male patriarchy, and kings.
Egypt and Mesopotamia were both located near rivers, and these rivers helped shape everyday life. Both civilizations used their respective rivers (Nile for Egypt, Tigris and Euphrates for Mesopotamia) to help grow crops. However, the Nile was much calmer and more predictable than the Tigris and Euphrates, making it much easier to grow crops and predict when the waters would rise. The Tigris and Euphrates were much more unpredictable, flooding irregularly and requiring more labor to grow crops. The Nile’s calmness and predictability allowed Egyptians to get an abundance of food while not having to work as much, giving them time to spend on other things, such as building pyramids and temples.
Egypt and Mesopotamia developed different and similar political and religious civilizations. Mesopotamian civilizations such as the Sumerians, the Akkadian kingdom, the Assyrian empire and the Babylonian city-state, were all too dependent on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Egypt’s natural isolation and material self-sufficiency fostered a unique culture that for long periods had relatively little to do with other civilizations. Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of eastern North Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt.
Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia present a valuable area of historical research. They are of great importance mostly because of their ethnic kinship (Watson, 2017). In such case, comparison and contrast essay is very promising as causal relationships can be formed based on a mutual starting point. This comparison-contrast essay focuses on differences and similarities in these societies’ economic, political and cultural life in order to make further implications regarding the circumstances the peoples of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia faced.
Both Mesopotamia and Egypt between 3000 and 600 B.C.E had similarities and differences. Both regions differ in regards to social structure concerning gender roles, social classes, and slavery. However Mesopotamia and Egypt shared similar technological developments in regards to mathematics, astronomy, and writing as well as political structure as it regards to taxes, kingship, and the power of religion.
While describing the cultural among the people of Mesopotamia and Egypt, I learned the differences and similarities in culture. The birth of Mesopotamian Civilization began in c. 3000 B.C.E., in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers of Southwest Asia. Mesopotamia is a Greek word and it means ‘between the rivers.’ In contrast, the birth of Egyptian Civilization began in c. 3100 B.C.E., in a valley of the Nile River in Northeastern Africa. Egypt is a Greek word and it means ‘House of the Spirit of Ptah.’ Since there are several categories in the cultures of the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians, I decided to narrows it to three categories: Religion, Writing, and Geography. The three categories will present the basis to compare cultural differences and similarities.
Thousands of years ago, in separate river valleys, two large settlements met the requirements needed to become two of the four first civilizations, and Egypt and Mesopotamia were formed. They were similar, as they both met the criteria to become a civilization, but they were also different, because geographic factors affected their lives differently. Three reasons why the society, government, and culture of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia were similar and different are: first, while both civilizations were located in a river valley, geographic conditions made sustaining society in Mesopotamia more difficult than in Ancient Egypt. Second, Mesopotamia and Egypt had effective bureaucracies, but the many sustained invasions throughout Ancient Mesopotamian history made the state less stable than Egypt. Lastly, although both religions were polytheistic, unpredictable war and flooding made Mesopotamian culture pessimistic, while Egyptian culture reflected Egypt’s stability.
Both Mesopotamia and Egypt, between 3000 and 600 B.C.E., had similarities and differences. Both regions shared similar economic structure in regards to agriculture, trade, and taxes. However, Mesopotamia and Egypt differ in regards to religion concerning belief in afterlife, influence of gods, and religious influence on government, as well as technology as it regards weaponry, scientific study, and writing.
With governmental machinery that brought political and social order to their territories, effective political and military power enabled them to build regional empires and expand their authority to neighboring people. Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia were two great civilizations among the earliest to emerge in the Middle east and North Africa. Both made significant contributions in areas such as mathematics, medicine, agriculture, astronomy, technology, architecture, art and writing. They had differences as well, including their political structures. Most importantly is that Egyptians were under a centralized government, and the Mesopotamians had self-controlled city state governments.
Egypt and Mesopotamia have a completely different history and culture due to where they are located. For example Egypt was in between sea and desert, this made it very hard for them to be invaded. Since they didn't have to worry about foreign invasions they were allowed to focus on their political, religious, and cultural life. Mesopotamia was in between two bodies of water. These bodies of water often overflowed and caused catastrophic devastation to villages and cities. They also suffered from severe weather changes from violent hail and rain too long periods of drought. With these conditions together they were easy targets for tribal nomads. These tribal nomads attacked them for their fertile soil, they often ended one civilization and establishing
The setting is around 3000 BCE, surrounded on all sides by vast, arid deserts, steep cliffs, and extensive bodies of water. And, in these massive deserts civilization exists; there are grand, shining empires, pillars of humanity. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Mesopotamia, both known as cradles of civilization, were hosts to some of the greatest ancient kingdoms of mankind. These empires shared a number of common practices due to similar geographical settings, but likewise they were different in their structure, customs, and views. The ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia shared many similarities; however Egypt was more prosperous economically, established a superior, unwavering political structure, and possessed more unified and content religious views.
Look into of Egypt and Mesopotamia Essay The fields surge when the stream rises, and is favors with the wealth that brings individuals cheer. The Egyptians and Mesopotamians were major agrarian civic establishments. In spite of the fact that they have the same needs they were not quite the same as one another in numerous ways. Egypt and Mesopotamian economy, political social orders, agriculture,geography, society, and religion changes in a bigger number of routes than one may understand.
Known as one of the earliest civilizations, Mesopotamia and Egypt both share set amounts of similarities along with a share of striking distinctions. Environmentally, these two civilizations were formed in similar surroundings, yet their weather patterns show distinctions. Politically, both governments derived from a monarch, yet their laws and punishments distinguished the two’s court systems. Economically, they both shared prosperous success in similar manners. Socially, although the two lands followed a hierarchy, the value of women contrasted. Culturally, they both believed in a higher order of creation; however, their views of them were polar opposites. Intellectually, these two societies developed skilled abilities and creations that
The people of Mesopotamia also had bad world because of the overload of water that caused them to have a surplus of food. The Nile allowed the Egyptians to work their crops instead of worrying about the river, unlike the people in Mesopotamia. Due to the flooding of the
Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt both had a similar climate. They are located in river valleys or areas of flat land that has a river running through it. Yearly it would flood and once the water receded, it would leave behind fertile soil that was great for planting.The rivers were used for food, soil, water, and even transportation.