
Egypt And Mesopotamia Similarities

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Throughout ancient history, one can find many different examples of civilization, each with different geography, political systems, and cultures. Although many of these empires were prominent and influential, one could argue that the two most contrasting, impactful civilizations were perhaps Egypt and Mesopotamia. These two empires had entirely different circumstances in terms of the land they were erected on, the peoples both in the land and surrounding it, and the social customs that developed. However, in spite of the wildly differing conditions, both Egypt and Mesopotamia were able to develop in such a way that the two cultures were both in a position to leave behind impactful legacies that still influence the world today. Before one considers how Egypt and Mesopotamia differ socially and politically, one must first understand the different geographies that drove …show more content…

This is not meant to imply that the two were so radically different that it is difficult to find similar physical features between the two, because it is not. In fact, both of them owe their existence to the same aquatic feature that has spawned many empires. Mesopotamia, also known as “the land between the rivers”, was located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which were crucial to farmers, traders, and everyday citizens. In Egypt, it was the Nile River that filled this life-sustaining role. This, however, is where the similarities seem to cease. In Egypt, the Nile was more often than not a benevolent force, one that helped farmers grow their crops, and delivered a water supply to the valley. It was dependable, and seen as safe. In contrast, the Mesopotamians

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