
Eisel-Personal Narrative

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Throughout the course of time I have wandered the earth snatching up and ruining lives. Each and every night I wander on to new locations. On this one particular night, the clouds were darker, the ground seemed dryer, the moon was small almost non-existent. Something was very strange about that night and at the time I was unaware of why. I came to a big city in Eastern Germany when this one girl caught my attention, something was odd about her as many people as I’ve confronted in the time of taking lives I have yet to see a human that truly interested me. The girl was with her family, her mother and small infant brother. I watched as they boarded a very crowded train. The mother looked broken, she seemed as if mentally she was no longer present …show more content…

Eisel… I felt attached to the name why was this? I’ve yet to feel attached to a human! This feeling enraged me, as they crossed the icy road back to the train station I shattered the mothers legs which forced her head slamming into the instantly killing her. Eisel continued past her now dead mother and boarded the train. Why was she not upset? She didn’t even glance at her deceased mother! I had to get away from this girl. I fled the snow covered field and continued moving for 13 days. I stopped in a small town in Northern Germany. For 13 days I had only taken the lives of the brother and mother of Eisel. Thinking of that name made me furious and curious at the same time, I was beyond confused as to why she did not fear me everyone fears death. I was unaware that Eisel had been living in that same small town I arrived in with her Aunt and Uncle. I felt the rage of her name not to mention the fact that I had gone 12 days without killing one human. It was time for me to end these emotions I had built up inside of me. I watched over the whole town and spotted Eisel playing soccer at the park with other young children. This was my moment to capitalize on the genocide id been

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