I am a first year student who is majoring in Political Science. I chose to take LABR 1F99 as one of my elective classes mainly because I think it will help me to get a better understanding of how our world functions. I believe that there is always a reason why people chose to perform a certain work, people choices influence not only their individual lives but the political environment as well. As a future politician I think the knowledge that this class will provide me will shape my mind in way so I can see what has to be changed on a government level in order to create a better, safer living conditions for its citizens. The main reason why moved to Canada three years ago was to learn the language, during those years I put a lot of efforts …show more content…
Two years ago I applied for a part time job, lifeguard at the private camp for children in my home country Ukraine. Because Ukraine is a third world country there is a lot of corruption and illegal businesses going on. In order not to pay taxes local business owners do not hire people officially instead they just stating them as a volunteers yet pay them their salaries. This way is not beneficial for employees, this employment experience is not counted as a working years therefore does not go toward workers pension plan. Due to current political and economical instability within the country people don not have other options so most of them agree to be unofficially hired As a person who feels strongly about what is right and legal I found it this whole situation upsetting and not fair. This situation helped me to realize how unfair and capitalistic world of work can be, where large business owners using political instability of a country in their benefit. Positive experience. One of the positive experience that happened when I was hired as an assistant to a fashion blogger. That position gave me a lot benefits such as I was able meet people who work in different career fields, hear stories about their life and work experience. That job gave me inspiration me but most of all because of meeting and interacting with different people I was able to chose which career path to follow. This working environment showed me how important networking is for our modern society and that there are other benefits in performing the work than just receiving a financial
I was not born here in Canada, I'm originally from Haiti. I came to Canada when I was young and I only spoke French and Haitian Creole. In the beginning it was really hard adjusting to the new culture, life, school, making new friends, etc. it was like my world just turned upside down and I had to start all over again. Although Canada is a bilingual country where I was living, which is Windsor Ontario the majority of the people spoke English, most of the schools and government facility were also English places. I used to be really shy and quiet because I was afraid to be judged for not pronouncing or not understand what the words mean that is why when I went to school or any place that required me to speak English I just stayed quietly in a corner.
“A number of middle school subject electives provide practical experience for the students that can be useful outside of schools,” according Ernie Rambo, a National Board Certified Teacher and also a co-author of the 2010 report from the Center for Teaching Quality. Electives include band, orchestra, chorus, art, home economics,drama and technology.
Macy's paid me better than my other job even though I was a seasonal cashier. I think I valued this job more than any other. When I opened an account and was it approved, or not I got rewarded for that which at my previous job that was not even a chance. I also like how co-workers treated me. I was family to them and that meant a lot. The pay may have been a few dollars more, but I sure appreciated the way I was treated it was worth the pay.
According to Laurie Futterman, “In addition to empowering practical skills, electives can help students find hidden talents or passions. In fact, several studies show that students are more likely to get a degree or major in a course they took as an elective.” Currently, there is a great debate happening about middle schools should offer electives. Some people believe electives help students in many different ways. Yet others believe that electives are a waste of money. Middle Schools because students are able to develop skills such as communicating in a different language so a doctor can understand what the patient is saying so they can help them, music can be used as therapy for patients, and art helps your brain be creative.
In doing so, we can better prepare them for the Canadian job market. Thus since March 2010, Citizenship and Immigration Canada encourage federal skilled workers to submit a third-party language test result (p.101). With this idea to give more emphasis on language factors, I believe it is for the reason to motivate applicants to improve their language ability before they arrive in Canada in order to facilitate an easier transition into western society. As a matter of fact, a lot of landed immigrants have to learn either French or English. Language still is a key challenge that many immigrants face today, even in cases where they have submitted an official language test passing result. In this context, it means that they are not yet ready to meet the demands of the job market with their current language level. Therefore, I fear that only emphasizing the importance of the language efficiency before their arrival is not the best
Currently so far being employed at the cafeteria. I work through the morning shift every weekday till friday an sometimes weekends. I mostly start my mornings by waking up at 5:30 everyday to get to work by 6:15 to 7:50. Then I have about 10mins to get to my classes, but in the end having to wake up early and sometimes going to school half asleep. Its been well worth it. I'm really glad to have my job and make some money while doing school at the same time. An just being able to work along side my fellow peers and co-workers has been a real experience. That has allowed me to understand in a way how serving food in the food industry is like and as well as having good leadership skills. All in all working at the Crampton Cafeteria has been a
Approximately five years ago I decided to come to Canada to further my education, this decision will probably be one of the best decisions I have ever made, my knowledge, self-confidence, thinking, behavior and overall look on life improved exponentially. I have even been able to discover more interesting things about myself and want
I got to experience hands on waitressing Paper from and computer. Having to make my own drinks sometimes. Also counting money. this experience has led me to a bob I got later on that year, Cage Cashier at the Grand Hinckley Casino. I had to count money my hole shift. I worked with some pretty awesome people and I got to meet a lot of great guest. If I had to pick this would be my favorite job I ever had. I really looked up to the people I worked with they always seemed to find a way to make me happy even when I was sad. They have always been there to help me when I needed it.
Despite the difficulties that I faced when I moved to Canada, it was one of the greatest experiences in my life, and I will always cherish those
What do you remember about related arts classes? Which ones did you particularly enjoy and why? Were there related arts classes you did not want to take? If so, which ones and why? Do the related arts classes you took in PreK-12 impact how you spend your time now? If so, how?
I was born on November 22nd of 1999 in Beruwala, Sri Lanka into a wonderful family. When I was seven years old, my home was destroyed by the tsunami and my family got the chance to move to Canada. When I heard the word Canada for the first time, only three words came to my mind; snow, cold and igloo. Later I learned that there was much more to this country. Before coming to Canada, I was really happy as I waved goodbye to my grandparents, my relatives, and my homeland. Unfortunately, I did not realize that it would be the last time that I would see all of them. Since arriving in Canada, I have attended a French elementary school in Montreal named Barthelemy- Vimont from grade two to four. As my parents wanted me to know both bilingual languages, we moved
The argument states that students should only be required to take classes within the fields that they are intersted in studying. As a student this first sounds like an amazing idea, because I would love to focus only on areas that I enjoy. When I start digging into this arguement I start to see some flaws in it though. First is that an education should not only base off what one is intersted in. For example, an engineer would love to just study engineering. However, when this engineer graduates they will find that many of the skills that are needed in the work force were not taught during their education because they only studied what intersted them. I believe that students should be required to take a broad range of courses that will help equip them for the real world. A student should learn what they are
Having the ability to choose an elective at a young age can actually help the students in the future! For example, if a student is into photography, and they choose that as an elective, it’s very likely that it's going to become their career job. Studies show that it’s common to get a major, or even a degree from a student's elective from the
Lindsey Buckingham once stated “ when I work alone, it can be like dabbling on a canvas. Maybe you paint over bits, and it starts to form its own life and leave you off in a direction. It becomes intuitive, subconscious process.” these words expressed that working alone can create something beautiful because you get all the credit, you have no distractions, and you learn to be independent.
It was an amazing and eye opening experience. We went to NASA, and visited Caltech and UCLA when we were there. I gave me a chance to experience the American culture and it was very different from the Malaysian culture, it was a wonderful and eye opening experience for me. Towards the end of year 10, I had the opportunity to work for a property development firm. Despite only working for a week I learnt a lot about the office environment and the different departments that work together to keep the business going. I have been to offices before but actually working in one was an exciting and extraordinary experience for