
Elective Class

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I am a first year student who is majoring in Political Science. I chose to take LABR 1F99 as one of my elective classes mainly because I think it will help me to get a better understanding of how our world functions. I believe that there is always a reason why people chose to perform a certain work, people choices influence not only their individual lives but the political environment as well. As a future politician I think the knowledge that this class will provide me will shape my mind in way so I can see what has to be changed on a government level in order to create a better, safer living conditions for its citizens. The main reason why moved to Canada three years ago was to learn the language, during those years I put a lot of efforts …show more content…

Two years ago I applied for a part time job, lifeguard at the private camp for children in my home country Ukraine. Because Ukraine is a third world country there is a lot of corruption and illegal businesses going on. In order not to pay taxes local business owners do not hire people officially instead they just stating them as a volunteers yet pay them their salaries. This way is not beneficial for employees, this employment experience is not counted as a working years therefore does not go toward workers pension plan. Due to current political and economical instability within the country people don not have other options so most of them agree to be unofficially hired As a person who feels strongly about what is right and legal I found it this whole situation upsetting and not fair. This situation helped me to realize how unfair and capitalistic world of work can be, where large business owners using political instability of a country in their benefit. Positive experience. One of the positive experience that happened when I was hired as an assistant to a fashion blogger. That position gave me a lot benefits such as I was able meet people who work in different career fields, hear stories about their life and work experience. That job gave me inspiration me but most of all because of meeting and interacting with different people I was able to chose which career path to follow. This working environment showed me how important networking is for our modern society and that there are other benefits in performing the work than just receiving a financial

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