
Elements of Short Story

Decent Essays

Elements of Short Stories
Plot (what happens) conflict (the basic opposition or tension that sets the plot of a short story in motion; it engages the reader, builds suspense or mystery, and arouses expectation for events to follow.) open-ended at both ends exposition (background information, setting the scene, establishes situation, dates the action) rising action (complication) (develops and intensifies the conflict) climax (crisis) (the moment at which the plot reaches its point of greatest emotional intensity; it is also the turning point, directly precipitating the story 's resolution.) falling action (the tension subsides and the plot moves toward its conclusion) …show more content…

5. Are the actions of the characters properly motivated and consistent? 6. Are the characters of the work credible and interesting?
Point of View (how we know about what happens/how the story is told) first person (The narrative technique is limited by what is known and seen by a single character, and, furthermore, that focal character addresses the reader directly, without an intermediary. The character refers to himself or herself as "I" in the story and addresses the reader as "you," either explicitly or by implication.) third person *omniscient (means "all-knowing," and the narrator in such a circumstance can direct the reader 's attention to the inner thoughts of any of the characters and controls the sources of information.) *limited omniscient (what the narrator knows and sees is restricted to what one central character can know and see. This presents some slight but important differences when compared with a first person p. of v.) *objective (This is the most "drastic" third person point of view, for the story is told ostensibly by no one. The narrator disappears, and there is no way of entering the minds of the characters. The reader

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