
Elie Wiesel: A Holocaust Survivor

Decent Essays

“I only know that without this testimony, my life as a writer--or my life, period-- would not become what it is: that of a witness who believes he has a moral obligation to try to prevent the enemy from enjoying one last victory by allowing his crimes to be erased from human memory” (Wiesel, Night viii). As a result of the horrors that Elie Wiesel experienced during the Holocaust, he devoted his life to become meaningful. Wiesel’s decent disposition changes through atrociously inhumane conduct toward Jews during the Holocaust as he becomes a brute to solidify identity, levy fears, and boost morale.
Before his arrival in Auschwitz, Wiesel identified himself as a devout Jew training in his studies of Kabbalah. When he first arrived at the camp, he refuses to eat his first prison meal, but he later regrets this decision as he realizes that “[he] was terribly hungry and swallowed [his] ration on the spot” (Wiesel, Night 44). Wiesel had to eat whenever food is available because if not, he would no longer be the devout, young Jew he was prior to the camp. A dentist was assigned to take out gold crowns for Germany’s benefit, but Wiesel intentionally avoided losing his gold crown because “it could be useful to [him] one day, to buy something, some break or even time to live” (Wiesel, Night 52). As Wiesel started to lose his identity, he needed to hold on to anything he has, which is similar to the behavior of brutes because civilized humans do not take potentially dangerous

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